There are many pitfalls people fall into when choosing a mentor for their new business venture. Three specific areas requiring especial attention are singled out in this article.
You have chosen a business to join. Great! Now you need to find the right mentor. There are many different personalities out there. You want to find someone who you can get along with and feel comfortable working with.
There are many traps people fall into when choosing their mentor. There are three specific areas requiring especial attention.
1) The first, and probably the most important mistake people make is not contacting their potential mentor. Many people join a business without even sending an e-mail or picking up the phone and speaking to the person they will be working with.
Don't make that mistake. This is your business and you want to be sure that your mentor will be easily accessible. If you call him and he doesn't answer his phone or return your call in a prompt fashion - usually within 24-48 hours - how will you be able to rely on him for help when you need it?
The same advice applies to e-mail communication. If you don't get a personal e-mail response within 24 to 48 hours when you send an e-mail asking for more information, then that is usually a sign of an uncaring mentor.
Remember that he is supposed to be there for you. This will be your business and you need to make sure that your mentor will help you when you need it most. Having a connection or bond with that person will help in your quest for success. It is much easier to work with someone you get along with and like!
2) The second mistake to avoid when choosing your mentor is not asking enough questions. Ask as many questions as you can about the business Find out what specific help he can offer you.
Enquire about resources he has access to, such as other team members in his group, or leaders in the business, who can help you too. The more help available, the better.
Find out about your mentor's business background. What has he done in the past? Will his previous experience be useful to you in your new business? The answers to these questions can be very revealing.
3) The last mistake to avoid when choosing a mentor is rushing your decision. You don't want to jump in with both feet the first time you see a business opportunity. Make absolutely sure that this is what you want to do.
Building your business will take considerable time and effort There are no magic bullets or secrets that will make you rich. Don't feel bad about grilling your would be mentor. Remember, this is not personal. It's business. You have to look out for yourself. That's YOU!
Choosing a mentor who suits you is the crucial first step to success. Get that right and you will reap considerable dividends. You will be in deep trouble if you get it wrong.
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There are many pitfalls people fall into when choosing a mentor for their new business venture. Specific areas requiring especial attention are singled out in this article.