6 Ways to Boost the CTR Rates of Your PPC Campaigns When Your Ad Text Is Already Solid

Mar 12


David Hurley

David Hurley

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When it comes to increasing the click through rates of PPC ads the first element everyone focuses on is the ad text. But what happens when the ad text is already proven to be effective? There are a variety of simple tasks which are effective at increasing click through rates that have nothing to do with the ad text itself. This article explains what six of those tasks are.


When it comes to increasing the click through rates of PPC ads the first element everyone focuses on is the ad text. But what happens when the ad text is already proven to be effective?

There are a variety of simple tasks which are effective at increasing click through rates that have nothing to do with the ad text itself.

1. Match the ad text with the queries

One of the easiest ways to leverage effective ad text is by matching it with the right keywords. Ad text is designed to promote a single message to potential buyers. It is important that this message is compatible with the keywords you are bidding on.

If you cannot use your current ad text to match the keyword then either ditch the keyword until a later date or create new ad text specifically for the additional keywords.

2. Take advantage of negative keywords

One of the easiest but most effective ways to increase your click through rates is by taking advantage of negative keywords.

Negative keywords not only help ensure the ad message matches the keywords,6 Ways to Boost the CTR Rates of Your PPC Campaigns When Your Ad Text Is Already Solid Articles but they also eliminate the risk of your ad being displayed for irrelevant keywords.

The use of negative keywords has been a PPC staple for years, but many paid advertising manager still don't leverage them as much as they should.

3. Target your PPC campaigns based upon search device

Even if every other variable is the same, the click through rates can still vary wildly across a range of different search devices. For example, mobile device users are typically more likely to click on an ad than a desktop user.

One thing to keep in mind is that higher click through rates do not necessarily lead to better response rates. It is important to balance the two in order to maximize your ROI per click.

4. Eliminate underperforming search partners

There is no doubt that not all search partners are created equal. As a result, certain types of ads or certain subjects will perform better with some search partners but underperform with others.

An easy way to immediately increase your overall click through rate for PPC ads is by eliminating underperforming search partners.

5. Focus on match types

Another way to improve your click through rate is by focusing on the match type of your keywords. In most cases, exact match keywords will always provide the highest click through rate.

The easiest way to immediately boost your click through rate is by positing your broad match type keywords. While your volume will noticeably decrease, your overall CTR will increase.

If you do not want to eliminate broad keywords completely, consider taking advantage of modified broad match types. This eliminates variations and synonyms but still allows for close variations of your primary keyword.

6. Increase your ad position

A final way to increase your click through rate without altering your ad text is by simply increasing your ad position.

The simplest way to do this is by increasing your bid amount. Keep in mind that while this will increase your click through rate, it will also significantly increase your cost per click.

In order to increase your ad position and maintain or improve your ROI it is important to pay close attention to which keywords convert the best and focus on them first.