Are there any recliners that help offer back pain relief?
Often retailers discover useful products for their customers not through the manufacturers who call on them but though their customers. One such example of this is in the following article which talks about how the owner of a furniture company was trying to find a recliner to help with his back pain and was helped by the customer with whom he was trying to help.
Having worked in retail and in a showroom for many years always brought me in contact with friendly folks who were looking for furniture to both help them and enrich their lives. Many of these same customers also had different ailments that they had to take into consideration when purchasing furniture. Back trouble always seemed to be the number one issue that most folks were trying to address and the biggest complaint I would hear is that their current chair or recliner was just giving them awful back aches.Of course I’m no doctor but often as retailers we become aware of certain brands that have been proven to help alleviate many health issues or at least help to control pain and discomfort to a degree to offer someone the relief that they are looking for in a piece of furniture. Most often we become aware of brands by word of mouth not by manufacturers of these products but by our customers who either own the product themselves or have friends or family members who own the product.About 12 years ago I worked in a specialty furniture store owned and operated by a man who had some health issues in terms of back trouble. He had been in and out of different recliners trying to find the one that would give him some comfort as sitting in a certain position for long periods of time was very difficult on his back. Unfortunately the issue as it was happened to be finding a recliner that could offer him the relief that he needed so badly and none of the products in the store did the job.That’s when a customer (folks who I think are the most important part of finding products to help other customers) came into the store. She happened to talk with the owner for awhile and they discussed back issues and swapped stories for some time. When they came to the end of their conversation,

she informed the owner about a recliner she purchased from a Norwegian store which carried modern and contemporary products. She told him about how it had relieved her back pain significantly and she was able to sit for long periods of time without getting up and feeling stiff and sore much to her satisfaction. The brand she said was called Ekornes.The owner immediately sought out the local store that carried these products and discovered them as being called Stressless recliners made by a company out of Norway by the name Ekornes. The unique feature of these chairs was built into the lower backrest of the chair. This feature helped to support the curvature of your spine offering pressure relief when in the upright position. When the individual reclined the feature would relax and move with you. Something that wasn’t common to recliners. This was patented by Ekornes since it was so unique. He purchased that chair from the local retailer and found that it did indeed relieve his back pain and offered him the relief he had been looking for. Years passed and when the local store that had been carrying that line of Ekornes Stressless recliner chairs decided to close their doors. He contacted the manufacturer and asked if he could help keep this line of furniture available for other customers in his area since it was of so much help to him. Today Ekornes Stressless recliners are sold worldwide in over 30 countries across the globe. So popular are the Stressless recliners for relieving back trouble that the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has endorsed these recliners. The ACA is the largest association of doctors in chiropractic care. If you’re looking for a recliner to help with the relief of back issues and to help provide better comfort then you should definitely look into trying out a Stressless recliner from your local retailer. Like so many others who have tried to find a comfortable recliner that offers pain relief, Stressless chairs have proven to be that chair for individuals looking for pain relief.