Becoming a Wealthy marketer isn't that hard. You need a few essential protocols to follow. If you want to make $1,000's a day, here are your 10 website commandments.
There are more ways to build a website than you can shake a stick at. However you do it, make sure your website abides by these 10 rules. These 10 things can be the difference between success and failure. This will work well for high ticket items and put your website on auto pilot. Do you want your website to convert traffic intro sales? Here's how.
1. You need a capture page. A wealthy marketer knows that this should be a one page teaser that gives your reader a glimpse of what you and your company are all about. It should be short and to the point. It should also allow your prospective buyer to provide their contact information. Once your reader expresses an interest in learning more, they should be sent to your official website.
2. Your official web page should provide ALL of the information about your business. It shouldn't be crammed on the home page, but strategically spread out over a few different pages. This will allow the reader to digest your website one page at a time, and not overwhelm them. Your homepage should provide enough detailed information to keep the readers interest. It should also make them want to learn more about your business.
3. Spell things out for your reader, but keep it concise. Less is more for a wealthy marketer, providing your reader can understand your points. Your home page should do one of two things for your reader. Make your reader want to view your other pages, or make them want to call you for more information. Either way, it means they want to learn more. Give your viewer the option to call you with questions about your business, by putting your phone number on your home page. If you have enough information on your website to educate and answer their questions, callers will be calling to buy, not to challenge your claims or provide skepticism. A FAQ (frequently asked questions) page can provide incredible results.
4. Keep the website easy to read. Don't crowd your website with too many images, pictures, flash animations, and audio presentations. All this does is help to confuse or distract your reader. Use fonts that are easy on the eyes. Don't use more than two different fonts for your entire web page. Keep the font size as consistent as possible throughout your web page. Use underline and bold fonts sparingly.
5. Focus on unique website content. Nothing can kill you faster in the search engines if your site has duplicated content. You can find good text for your site on other web pages, but make sure you reword it accordingly if you want to be a wealthy marketer.
6. Make sure you have a good website description in the meta tags. First impressions are everything. This description is what will show up under the search engines, and it should say something to attract the reader to click on your home page and not someone elses.
7. Research the proper keywords for your website. You want to use keywords that are NOT overly competitive. For best results, pick keywords that give your website a chance of getting first page results. Some search engines offer FREE keyword analysis tools.
8. Make sure your keywords are also placed strategically throughout your website home page. Search engines love when you make links for those keywords on your webpage.
9. Alt tagging is very powerful and should be used throughout your home page on all of your images. Alt tagging is simply embedding keywords into your images so the search engines pick them up. When you are putting images on your website, you can usually click on properties and see a tab to enter the alt tag text. Go to several websites and place your mouse cursor over some of the images on those home pages. Usually a text box will appear on the image and display the keyword text for that image. Implementing this can make you a wealthy marketer.
10. You are generally better off selling one product per website. More products mean more choices. More choices mean more thought, which means your customer may become indecisive and buy nothing. Studies show that the fewer products offered, the higher the number of sales are.
These are 10 things that will get your website off on the right foot. Do yourself a favor and check out the websites on the first page of google that market a similar product or service to your website. Do searches based specifically from the keywords meta tagged in your website. You will quickly begin to learn what to do and what not to do. Follow these guidelines and your website could soon lead you to becoming a wealthy marketer.
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