There are millions of websites out there promising the perfect online business - but unless you have this secret on your side, your chances of success are low...
There are millions of experts promising to tell you how to be successful in your own home based business, each with their own "cannot fail" blueprint for success. Many of them are even legitimate - but there is one secret ingredient that you have to have in place in order for you to get the best start in business for yourself...
If you've been researching online businesses for a while, you are probably thinking that the answer is to find your niche - but you would be wrong. Nor is it anything to do with the "right" system or the "right" advertising or having the ultimate website design. All of these things are important, but there is one thing that is overridingly important - one thing that can and will totally determine how your business will turn out.
Really - this energy has shaped your life so far - and it will determine the course of the rest of your life as well. Whether you know about it or note, and whether you are in control of it or not, this will control your life more than anything else. It can open doors for you, or it can slam them shut in your face. It can put you in the right place at the right time, or make sure you are never anywhere worthwhile at anytime!
What is really incredible about this power is that you have it within you - and all you have to do is to turn it on to start receiving all the things you want immediately!
What is this power? It is the power of your dreams!
So - how can your dreams give you the best start in business? By becoming your business! There is some reason in your life why you are starting your own business. Before you even get started with the actual business, you need to get really clear on what you want from life. Then you find a way to lock those images in your mind, every day - and the more incredibly extravagant your dream is, the more power it has.
You need to find the ways that work best for you - but pictures are a really powerful way of locking in your dreams. So if you want a new car - get a picture of exactly the car you want. If you want a new relationship, or a new life - try some pictures of how you would like your life to look. Now get focused on those, every day - and start to feel what it will be like to be living that life, driving that car, being with that partner. Now watch what happens...
When you get focused on the outcome, something amazing happens. Out of nowhere, you become very resourceful - and it is almost effortless! Just by concentrating on where you want to be, many of your obstacles will just vanish, and you will find yourself coming up with solutions to the others seemingly from nowhere. Not only will you get the best start in business, but you will be in the best business for you - because any business not in line with your goals will simply not fit your new view of life.
All this sounds great - so why are so many people NOT achieving their goals? Well - it is very simple. This is not hard to do - in fact we often do many things far harder with far smaller results - but it is also easy not to do. You cannot be half-hearted or sceptical about your dreams - just as you cannot be half-hearted about your business. Everyone has something that really lights them up - something that will drive them no matter what - and that is what you need to tap into. After you do that, and then focus on whatever that is for you - you will be unstoppable! But if you are going to "give this a try" or "see what happens" you will not see results. These are not my rules - it is just the way this works - but if you can get clear on what you want from life, and get focused on it - you will be amazed at how quickly you start to see progress.
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