To make money with internet marketing it is essential to have the ability to be able to drive traffic online. In this article we will go over a number of highly effective traffic generation strategies in order to help you make money with internet marketing. We will also reveal how to fast-track your online success by plugging-in to turnkey marketing systems.
To make money with internet marketing it is essential to have the ability to be able to drive traffic online.
In this article we will go over a number of highly effective traffic generation strategies in order to help you make money with internet marketing. We will also reveal how to fast-track your online success by plugging-in to turnkey marketing systems.
1. Article Marketing - A great way to start getting traffic for your online business is to make article marketing part of your daily activities.
It is a slow method at first, but when you stay consistent at it for a few months then you will be rewarded with daily traffic and leads, on autopilot. The key is to produce daily keyword targeted articles and submit them to your own website first. Then take this content and submit it to high quality article directories such as Ezine Articles, Sooper Articles, and Go Articles.
Also look to repurpose your content for publication in forums, web 2.0 sites, blog posts, and document sharing sites.
2. Video Marketing - Video marketing is an excellent way to make money online with internet marketing. People are quite sceptical about making purchases online as they are worried about the scams that might be out there.
So when you appear on video then there instant trust and credibility that you would otherwise not have had with a text based website or generic email promotion. Also when you do your video marketing on YouTube you will find you can get lots of internal traffic from their search engines simply by appearing in the sidebar of other relevant videos.
3. Solo Ads - Email marketing with solo ads is a newbie friendly method of generating traffic and making money with internet marketing.
Anyone can go out there and buy a solo ad and get a guaranteed amount of clicks sent to their squeeze page. The hard part to solo ads comes from actually monetizing your traffic so that you can recover your costs and afford to buy more and more solo ads.
Look to create a well designed sales funnel consisting of One Time Offers (OTO), upsells, downsells, and exit pop-ups in order to provide multiple ways to make money from each and every visitor that arrives to your site.
If you combine the above 3 traffic generation strategies and focus on sending daily traffic to your lead capture pages then you should find it much easier to make money with internet marketing as opposed if you were always just reading ebooks and hanging around on Facebook all day.
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