... ... ... ... you are about to read is a step by step guide toget
Charles Kangethe
(c) Copyright 2004
What you are about to read is a step by step guide to
getting FREE publicity. Simply, this is advertising that
costs nothing, yet can bring in regular and substantial
orders for your products and services.
Regardless of the business you're in, you always want
publicity for your products and services. After all it is
"free advertising" essential to the growth of your
However for maximum effect your publicity campaign must be
well thought out and pre-planned.
This article shows you a step by step approach to getting
FREE advertising through your publicity campaigns.
Step 1
You must determine beforehand where you intend to conduct
your publicity campaign.
Which of the following are you targetting :
Printed Mass Circulation Media
Internet Publications
Trade Shows
Other (e.g Industry publications)
Step 2
Write a Cover Note to the main decision makers.
The cover note should be short, no more than 100 -
150 words.
Explain why your article is news and why it will appeal
to readers.
For example - If you offer people business opportunities,
you could write something like :
Write a brief explanation of what your business opportunity
is about. (Tell the editor what this opportunity is about.)
This business opportunity is aimed at people trying to
achieve financial freedom. It is also useful for those
already in business, who want to build multiple income
streams. (Tell the editor who it is aimed at)
This will be of real value and interest to your readers.
(Tell the editor his readers will find it of benefit)
Please review and if you need any more information contact
me at....(Ask the editor for action)
If you intend to send the publicity material by snail mail,
print the cover note on good quality, pastel coloured
paper. Blue or Ivory works well.
Make sure your cover note is addressed to a named decision
In general for newspapers this will be the City or News
editor, for Radio and TV it will be the News Director and
for all publications the Managing Director.
Step 3
Presentation and layout of the Publicity Release.
The Publicity Release is a short article no longer than 500
The layout of the article is critical.
Make sure you have about one inch in margin at the top and
bottom of the page. Allow one and a half inches margin
around the left and right edges of the page.
In the top margin write in capitals PRESS RELEASE and DATE.
Set the date a day or two forward of your posting date if
you intend to send the publicity release by post. This
ensures the date is current when your release is opened.
If you are sending the release out by e-mail, set the
date to the date you send the mail out.
Skip a line or two and then write in capitals FOR IMMEDIATE
Finally in the bottom margin write in capitals FOR MORE
INFORMATION followed by your name and contact details.
Step 4
Writing the Press Release.
The Press Release uses the same techniques of copy writing
as you would use in writing a sales letter or an advert.
Always write as you would to an individual. Make the article
personal and connected to the reader.
Don't forget that the first reader you have to get past is
the editor or news director. Therefore keep the idea of new
and news at the front of your mind as you write.
Quickly and clearly show why your article is new or news.
What sets it apart from other stories running in the
publication ? Describe how it helps the readers in a
different, unique, cheaper, quicker or any other way.
Above all bring out why your story is of benefit to the
editor's readers. If he cannot identify the benefits you
bring, he will not use your story !
Step 5
What you need to know about news editors and directors.
The first is they are very busy people. They literally have
thousands of things to do and they have to make many and
quick decisions often on limited information.
The second is they know why you are writing to them. They
know you are looking for free publicity.
What does this mean for you ?
Firstly, your Press Release must quickly and clearly point
out the benefits of your product.
There is no room for fluff or padding. Get to the point
Secondly, do not write about yourself, your opinions, or
views, in the article. If the editor decides to use your
copy, he will contact you for a biography.
Stick to the facts about the news item.
Thirdly, never round on an editor demanding why your Release
was not used, or used in a different format. This will get
your name marked and future submissions from you will be
binned un-opened.
Treat editors with respect, after all they are giving you
access for FREE to huge circulations, and they will treat
you with equal respect.
If you take the time to learn what the editor and his
readers want, and if you provide it in a readily useable
format, then you will get your Publicity Releases published
more often than not.
Step 6
Timing the Press Release.
For some products and services, particularly seasonal ones
you need to ensure your releases are sent at the appropriate
For instance if you offer garden and landscaping services
and products, you might want to time the Press Release for
You might also be in a business where you create products
for your market at short notice. Here you might tailor your
releases and products to general events in the news
For instance when employment slowdown in the economy is a
"livewire" news item you might send out a Release on your
Resume Writing service.
One final kind of timing to keep in mind is publication or
broadcast deadline.
Make sure you find out when the deadlines are and work
towards getting your Release in before that cut off.
Creating well written, properly laid out Press Releases is
the best possible way of getting FREE publicity and
advertising on a massive scale.
What would it mean if you could double or triple the
visitors and customers to your web site ?
Write your first press release this month and once you are a
published author, see how your business fortunes change for
the better.
Charles Kangethe of http://www.simplyeasier.com is a leading
new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The
"Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value,
quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.
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