Is My Replicated Website Doing my Business Any Good?

Nov 20


Dan Dimit

Dan Dimit

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A quick overview of what a replicated website is, why people and companies use them, and how to get traffic to them for free.


Copyright (c) 2008 Dan Dimit

Many people that are just starting out with internet marketing or network marketing will have no choice but to use a replicated website. 99.9% of all affiliate programs which offer a web page or web site as part of the joining package,Is My Replicated Website Doing my Business Any Good? Articles give what is referred to as a "self replicated" site or page. This means it is a page or site that is identical to every other member also in the same affiliate program with one very small exception. The only difference between all the pages is your affiliate number or email address.

If you are a member of an affiliate or resellers program, and you were given a web site or web page to promote the program, you should pay very close attention to this article. It will open your eyes to why it is almost impossible to get the search engines to give you a high ranking with regular SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You may have been told that you can get traffic to these sites. It is possible, but not usually in the way you're taught. The reason affiliate groups give these types of pages out, is because it is very easy to generate them using a script from their web site. The main objective for most of these affiliate type companies is to get as many people signed up as possible into their program. The more people they have signed up, the more overall sales they will generate for the company.

What if you could get around the fact that your site will never make it to the first page of your favorite search engine? Welcome to web 2.0

Web 2.0 is difficult to describe. It's really just the second generation of websites: More advanced technology, allowing much more interaction between internet users. The best examples are youtube, myspace, facebook, squidoo, twitter, etc.

How can you use these to get visitors to your replicated website? It's commonly called Social Media marketing, using what lots of the gurus call "My Story Marketing".

With these sites, you will give out valuable tips and information that will help your potential customers. At the same time you'll get your message out. Then you give them the most compelling offer you can some up with in order to get them to go to your website. Maybe it's a discounted price on your product, freebies, or more free information they need and can only get by going to the website. A good example of this process is this very article. At the end, you'll get a compelling offer if you go to my site.

Right now, you're probably asking yourself, "Well, how does this help get my website to the first page of the search engine?" IT DOESN'T ! What it DOES is get your video, or social networking page to the top of the first page. First you get visits to your web 2.0 material, then your offer compels them to go to your website. It's a great workaround until you either learn to make a website yourself or earn enough money to outsource that work.