Effective MLM Marketing is all about exhausting every single tool known to man. Videos have become Google's best friend lately showing up on the first page for thousands of keywords. It would make much sense to join the party and begin using videos to get the word out about you and your business.
Copyright (c) 2008 Ontarian Ke'Chan Hawkins
Have you been searching the internet for the best mlm marketing tips? Scratching your head trying to figure out how to generate free internet network marketing leads? If you are not using videos to market your business, you are missing out on a ton of exposure and leads. Video marketing is a very nice way to connect with your prospects because it shows who you really are and what you passionate about, which hopefully is helping others achieve their goals. I have put together a few tips below that will give you insight and guidance on how to use videos to create your own free lead generation machine.
Keep it Short
In order to arrest the attention span of your prospect, your videos need to be kept to a minimum of 3 minutes or less. Videos are a fantastic way to generate exclusive network marketing leads on the internet, however don't make the mistake of putting your prospect to sleep with long and dull content. I personally lose focus watching a commercial on television after about 2 minutes, because the information didn't appeal to my needs immediately. Keeping your videos short will give your prospects the immediate "punch" they desire.
Be Authentic
There's nothing wrong with being yourself in your marketing videos. The biggest mistake a lot of network marketers make with video marketing is trying to portray someone they are not. Your prospective leads who happen to land on your video will be able to tell if you are being fake or not, so do yourself a favor and bring out your authentic personality. If you've blessed with a sense of humor use it. Be creative and smile in your videos. Displaying your true self will be your best video marketing strategy yet.
Close the Deal
Now that you have total control of your prospects attention, it's time to close the deal. Towards the end of your video, the goal is to get your mlm lead to subscribe to your list, pick up an ebook, etc. I give my prospective network marketing leads a couple of options before the video ends. They either have the option of clicking on the link I provide to the right of all of my Youtube videos, or they have the option of joining my marketing newsletter for free to be kept up to date with all my marketing tips and tricks. Closing the deal will ultimately begin the relationship and trust process with your prospect.
Now that you have become an instant mlm marketing expert, go out there and implement these strategies for your success. Gone are the days of purchasing network marketing leads, and now is the time for you to brand yourself using videos. There are literally tons of video sharing sites out there that will love to have your content, however uploading one video at a time will take you hours. Do your due diligence and search for how you can upload numerous videos all at one time for free.
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