Imagine a world where you could bypass the traditional methods of marketing your products online and instead, directly reach your target audience at the precise moment they're ready to make a purchase. This might sound like a far-fetched dream, but it's actually a reality that's achievable with a new type of e-commerce search engine. This innovative approach is centered around individuals, not websites or subjects, and allows you to link your products and services directly to potential customers without ever knowing who they are.
This new type of search engine represents everyone in the world. It's a platform where you, your friends, relatives, and everyone else exist. The beauty of this system is that you can link your products and services directly to the people you want to reach. When a person searches for what you're offering, they receive a fully personalized catalogue complete with product descriptions, graphics, prices, and titles.
This approach requires a shift in your thinking, similar to when you first started using search engines. The easiest way to understand this is to imagine your website having a separate entrance page for each person you want to reach. There's no hierarchy or page linkage, these pages are like individuals standing around. You prepare each page with the attributes of the person you wish to meet and add a welcoming message for the buyer. By the time the person sees this page, they're ready to make a purchase.
To use this search engine, simply register your page and add the target attributes. The entry will appear in the relevant catalogue of each person who matches these attributes. The more specific your targeting, the better the match with the customer.
For instance, if you want to sell to a 28-year-old male in Northeast USA, of European descent, taller than average, slightly overweight, earning $30,000 per year, prefers blue colors, has an orthodox view of life, is married with young children, works in a management position, and has a college degree, you can do it.
This tool is designed for e-commerce and is not intended to replace existing search engines or email marketing techniques. Instead, it solves a problem these platforms are not very good at. It allows users to declare their intentions and enough about themselves so they are self-qualified at the moment they make a search. This enables you to reach them at this crucial moment.
For the user, they remain completely anonymous. They're simply looking for virtual people who are just like themselves. There's no need to know their name, address, or any personally identifiable information. This neatly sidesteps the privacy issues often associated with targeted marketing. There's no data collection or tracking involved.
This new approach encourages you to take a fresh look at your website. If you know who your customers are, you can now think more about what you want to tell them individually. If you don't know who your customers are, this is a perfect way to find out. Your page stats will reflect the distribution of people visiting, helping you to focus on repeat sales and lifetime customers. The possibilities are enormous and the costs are minimal.
In future articles, we'll delve deeper into the benefits and costs of this revolutionary approach to e-commerce.