All marketers are the e-mail delivery problem, hoping that just somehow our messages are going to reach our customers and subscribers this time ... and then hoping that they're going to open them, instead of mistaking them for spam.
The reality usually hits us hard. While e-mail is still the primary and most important internet marketing tool, we need to start using other complimentary tools to get our content delivered.
Most important among them is RSS (Real Simple Syndication), which gets your content directly in front of your readers, without having to »face« any filters along the way.
And it's easy and even free to use...
The marketing and profit potential of RSS is, simply said, quite amazing. It's not just good for blogs, and it's certainly much more than »just another« way of getting your content to your readers.
And it's just reaching the tipping point. There are still only »a few« RSS publishers and RSS usage is growing every day. This is your best chance to get on the wave...
To get you started, here's a quick overview of what RSS can do for your internet business...
AOL blocks about 75% of the 2 billion e-mail messages they receive daily, and on the average, over 64,7% of all the business e-mail you send is not even opened, let alone read. These two facts are destroying your internet business.
But fortunately, RSS has a solution.
It gets your content delivered directly in front of your subscribers, prospects and customers, whenever you want and how often you want.
In essence, it means that 100% of your marketing messages are delivered to your RSS subscribers, and that's 100% of possibilities to make the sale and improve the relationship.
Traffic is the life-blood of every internet business, and RSS makes improving search engine rankings a breeze.
Combined with special web sites, called »blogsites« (advanced blogs), RSS has been demonstrated to bring total newcomers to the market to #1 search positions for their selected keywords, and that without any costs whatsoever.
And it's easy. All it takes is publishing an RSS feed, submitting it to the right places, keeping it updated and using some other little known but easy techniques.
But the traditional search engines are not everything that RSS »offers«. Far from it.
There are now more than 100 search engines and directories that specialize in aggregating content from RSS feeds. Getting in to them is easy, and each of them will provide you with new »spending« traffic.
The traffic doesn't stop here. RSS makes it easy to publish your content on other web sites, which creates additional exposure and more importantly, brings you new targeted customers.
But it's really all about the new business opportunities that didn't even exist before RSS became popular.
Most of these haven't even been discovered by the majority of marketers yet. We're talking about new and effective ways of getting new content to your readers, content that will make them buy.
Just think in terms of easily delivering daily or even hourly content updates, coupons, customized product updates, audio content (podcasting), video content (videocasting), whitepapers and free reports, and so on.
Because RSS is so fundamentally different than e-mail, getting more subscribers is easy as 1-2-3. The profit potential is quite amazing: just imagine converting more than 50% more of your visitors in to e-zine subscribers...
And much much more...
And the list doesn't stop here by a long shot. RSS feeds also make for an excellent affiliate marketing tool and help you get the most out of your affiliates, and so on.
With this many profit generating possibilities, the even greater benefit is that most marketers haven't even touched them yet.
You can be one of the first, today.
More Best of From Marketers on RSS
What is the top advice savvy marketers can give you on RSS? We continue with “the best of” on RSS marketing from US marketing leaders.Analyzing the New Yahoo! RSS Report for Marketers
We were waiting for something like this to happen for a long time. Yahoo!, one of the key providers of mass-market RSS aggregators, finally took a step forward and published their RSS whitepaper, covering their own findings with RSS, based on their usage data. In this article, we analyze the whitepaper step-by-step, explaining what their findings mean for marketers.What is RSS - For Marketers
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