Do you feel like your losing that excitement and motivation that you had when you started your home business. This article presents some steps to help you find that inspiration that you've been looking for.
Have you lost your excitement for your home based business? Has the zest for your company fallen by the wayside? What will it take to get that motivation back? It's going to take some inspiration and dedication.
This sudden or slowly growing feeling of dissatisfaction can be transformed to your previous level of excitement and exhilaration for your program. Here are some easy steps to keep you on the path to success.
1) Intentions
The first place that you should start is with a pen and paper and a little reflection. Reevaluate why you wanted to work from home in the first place. What were you initially looking for in starting a home based business? Did you want more time freedom for your family and friends, some extra income, or were you just tired of your boss? If you've been out of the rat race for awhile you can be quick to dismiss your whys. Your J-O-B might be such a distant memory that with the way you're feeling right now it might seem like a good alternative. Be diligent and keep the faith. You had good reasons for wanting to be your own boss and you just need to dig deep down and realize those dreams again.
2) Goals
We've heard it all before, set your goals, write them down, and refer to them often. But what does this really involve? The statistics are clear in that if your goals are written down instead of just spoken, your likelihood of achieving those goals are 97% better. Decide on what your long term goal is for your business and then divide that into several short term goals. Write these down and put them in a place of prominence where you see them daily and refer to them continually. This will give you continual encouragement to keep on going.
3) Find A Mentor
Often the easiest way to stay committed and motivated is by having someone to be accountable to. A mentor is a perfect way to achieve this. Find someone who you respect and admire. You don't necessarily have to choose someone who is successful in the business world. It could be a motivational speaker, a spiritual leader, or an elder. Choose someone who you feel will be an encouragement to you, push you to achieve more, and will be brutally honest with you.
The bottom line is to do whatever it takes to find that original zest and excitement you had when you began your business. Take time to slow down and reflect on a daily basis and never lose sight of your whys!
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