Successfully Mixing Business and Social Networking
When mixing business and social networking there is a fine balance that needs to be maintained between marketing and socializing activities. Effective social network marketing strategies always place people first and use tact and finesse when promoting any business or products. Read more to see the 3 rules of thumb you'll want to follow to make your efforts more productive when promoting on social networks.
When mixing business and social networking there is a fine balance that needs to be maintained between your marketing and socializing activities. In fact it needs to be recognized that an emphasis should be placed on primarily using social websites for what they were intended.
Effective social network marketing strategies always place people first and use tact and finesse when promoting any business or products. Remember these sites were NOT created for the purpose of commerce but rather they are online communities where folks can comfortably gather in a casual atmosphere.
If conducting business is a focus of yours at any of these online communities here are 3 rules of thumb you'll want to follow to make your efforts more productive.
Offer Value
Social websites are based upon building relationships with the people you communicate with for the purpose of sharing common interests or friendships. With that being said these types of bonds develop and grow since everybody is able and willing to contribute in a manner that is of value to the others. In fact the is the very basis upon which relationships like these are built.
Therefore if your intent is for business purposes on these sites,

you must first gain the trust and friendship of others. This is done by contributing value to them without any expectations of receiving anything in return!
Offer Your Endorsement
After trust is earned by you, people now have a certain level of comfort in what you say or do. This is something you can use to your advantage but must not be abused since it can be very difficult to regain any trust you may have lost.
Effective social networking marketing uses tactics that make use of relationships that have been forged without taking advantage of others. One very effective tactic in particular is personally endorsing what it is you may be promoting. Of course this means standing firmly behind any claims made, therefore you want to be absolutely sure you know your product(s) and what they can do.
Remember you are now selling to 'friends' and you do not want to compromise these friendship, do you?
Offer Visual/Audio Aids
People are blessed with the sense of touch, taste, smell, sound and vision and it is these senses that help us increase our comfort levels with our surroundings. Online our use of these senses is limited to our visual and audio senses, at least as of this time anyway. To help others gain a level of confidence in anything you offer, it is always an asset to your promotional process to supply visual or audio aids and/or support whenever available or applicable. This not only puts more confidence in others about you as their friend , but it also helps them to make any purchasing decisions. You always want to make the people you 'work' with at any of the online communities as comfortable as possible for the sake of repeat business and referrals!
Intermingling business and social networking can be done successfully if the recognition is made that developing and nurturing interpersonal relationship always comes first! Remember you are a 'guest' when you conduct business at any of these online communities and that these people are not in fact visiting your place of commerce. Realizing this changes everything in how you approach your promotional activities. Effective social network marketing tactics always place people first while presenting non-aggressive promotional techniques in a tactful manner. The 3 rules of thumb offered above serve as behavioral guidelines for any person using social websites to promote their business. Any promotional efforts should come only after you have been accepted into any of these online communities and should be conducted in a reassuring and forthcoming manner as explained above. In this way you stand to gain the best results!