Whilst the internet moves forward at a rapid pace, the power of article marketing remains constant. Here we discuss ways that you can improve your article writing so you can take advantage of this powerful internet marketing technique.
One thing for sure is that the power of article marketing remains constant whilst the internet moves forward at a remarkable pace. If you produce keyword rich articles you will not only receive traffic from the article directories but you will receive high page rankings from the search engines which will result in free targeted traffic.
This article will provide you with five tips that are guaranteed to improve your article writing so that you can then experience the power of article marketing.
As with anything planning is important, so firstly start off by writing a long list of keywords for the niche that your online business is in. In order to build a list of quality keywords it will be necessary to spend time doing the research.
To put together a targeted list you can find keywords by using free keyword research tools available online such as Wordtracker and Google. The foundation for writing a good article is knowing what keywords to base your article on.
Now we move onto the second and extremely important step in article writing which is the title. The more you practice the better your titles will become. To get some ideas have a look at the titles of some of the articles in the article directories.
When you see article titles that really catch your eye and make you want to read more jot them down or open Notepad on your computer and create a list of titles that will give you inspiration for future use. Be sure to have your keywords in your title to attract the attention of the search engines and word it so no searcher can resist clicking on the title to read more.
Thirdly, your first paragraph of your article is of utmost importance. Today, people speed read as time is short and precious and so this is your chance to capture their attention. Keep the paragraph short, but power-pack it with words which will make them want to read your entire article.
Fourthly, you will reap the rewards of focusing on writing the best article you can. If necessary, take the time to do some research. Ensure that your article is precise and to the point rather than long and drawn out. Instead of being long-winded make good use of your words.
Lastly, there are thousands of article directories on the internet but do not waste your time trying to submit to them all. Rather choose the best ones with a high Page Rank to submit your articles to.
The top article directory on the internet is Ezine Articles and if you consistently just submitted your articles to them your article marketing results would improve. Alternatively, you could consider using an online article submission service such as Submit Your Article which includes the option of having your article submitted to 6 top article directories including Ezine Articles.
To sum up then, you will see improved article marketing results if you take action on these five tips. Focus on writing good quality articles and be selective where you submit them and you will harness the power of article marketing and benefit for a long time to come.
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