If you've ever dreamed of owning your own business, go for it! Don't let anyone steal your dreams!
As you plan on starting your OWN business, a group of people will try to STOP you. Who are they? They are the DREAM STEALERS!
A few questions: Do YOU want to make some SERIOUS money? Are YOU tired of being a WAGE SLAVE? Do YOU want to start earning as much money as you are worth? Do you want the "good life": more money, bigger house, better cars, and more family time? Then one of the BEST ways to do that is to start your OWN home based business!
To begin a home business, you need to ask yourself: What is your Passion? What is your Niche? What are you Good at? What do you Like to do? What do you Want to do? What could you see yourself doing ... for the rest of your life?
Once we get the "bug" to start our own home based business, we get EXCITED! We tell everyone we know we are gonna start working from home(part time) and pretty soon be able to quit our regular job.
But then what happens? Many times our family and friends, who are caught up in being "wage slaves" get concerned about us. They may think we have gone crazy. And so, they must "protect" us. Even though they may not mean to, they can(if we let them) DESTROY the dream. They can even point us to accountants, bankers, or lawyers and quote the othen heard statistic "90% of all businesses fail within the first 5 years". Let me tell you a true story.
The Banker Story
A number of years ago, I was working as a Radio DJ. But I had DREAMS of bigger and better things. I found out a radio station was for sale not too far from my home. I called the President of a local bank that knew me and I had done business with (I THOUGHT he would "see the vision" that I was seeing!) I told him of the station for sale and wanted to know if I got a loan from him how much the interest was, what the payments would be, etc.
Before I got the words out of my mouth, the banker was LAUGHING! He told me "John, you owning a radio station is like ME owning a BANK! You just keep WORKING as a DJ. Forget about ever OWNING your own radio station!"
WOW! This banker, that I thought was my friend, was a DREAM STEALER! But, he would NOT steal MY Dream! Not Invited to MY Party A short time after that, I actually BUILT a radio station, from the ground up. My partner KNEW what the banker had said and told him "John HAS a radio station now, so do YOU own any BANKS?" He was speechless. But that dream stealing banker was NEVER invited to any more of MY parties!
What have you Dreamed? What have you Dreamed that seemed impossible? What have you started out to accomplish, only to be ravaged by discouragement, or others opinion of who you should be? I have found that SUCCESS is at least 50% mental/psychological. Maybe even 99%. You MUST NOT let the dreamstealers steal YOUR dreams.
All those statistics about 90 of all businesses fail within 5 years MAY be true. But if you ran your business a little differently, you would have different results! If you KEPT your regular job and started your Part time business at HOME, keeping expenses to a minimum, your chances to succeed greatly multiply!
With the coming of the internet, it hsa NEVER been easier to become an "internet marketer." All that means is you are using the services of the internet to MARKET your business. And if you do it right, you can become a Wealthy Marketer! You can become a wealthy marketer right from your own home!
Listen to this: Every 11 seconds someone starts their own home based business! And everyday about 11,000 more people join the INTERNET! Knowing these 2 FACTS can make YOU a lot of MONEY! I often hear that "the AVERAGE" person can start a part time business from home and start to make some money on the side.
I no longer believe that! You are NOT average if you are able to FIGHT OFF the DREAMSTEALERS! It may be your spouse, parents, children, friend or co-worker(or even ALL of the above!) that really is concerned about you. But, no matter who they are, do NOT let them steal your dream. If you can tune out the DREAM STEALERS, you are on your way to being successful in your OWN home business. Congratulations!
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