How comparison with others often results in low self esteem because we don’t measure up to the societal standards and 3 ways anyone handle enhance the self esteem.
Suppose I feel pretty proud of winning a prize. I feel on top of the world and I want to share my happiness with others.
If others tell me that this prize has no value, or do not reciprocate my happiness, I have two choices:
I can feel terrible because others did not value this prize, and therefore the value of the prize has decreased
As long as I feel good about my achievement, I need not consider others’ valuation.
People with high self esteem value themselves and their achievements and do not care of others’ opinions, unless it is beneficial to them.
On the other hand, people with low self esteem depend on others to give themselves and their achievements some value. They depend on others’ approval. If people tell us we are no good or we did not do good, we feel bad.
Another example of this is how we treat fortune.
If I am a person of low self esteem, then if good things happen to me, I shrug my shoulders and say it was luck. If bad things happen to me, I say it must be my fault.
However, if I was a person with high self esteem, I would be attribute good luck to my efforts and bad luck to fate, that this did not work out.
Therefore, in order to increase self esteem we need to do the following:
The result of this is:
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