As a student it is not easy to make a penny on your own, there are many things to pay for in college, the tuition fees and personal expense are priorities already. If you are looking for a guide on how to make money yet as a student, read this article carefully it will save you from being broke.
Let's look through some ways you can make money online. Here are some 5 ways you can make money as a student in 2020
1. Create an online course
If you are good at any subject why not considering teaching other students that are weak in that subject and get rewarded for such.
In addition to having your own courses, learning platforms such as BitDegree offer a chance to become an instructor It's a unique opportunity to pass your skills and experience to thousands of people who are eager to learn something new.
2. Create YouTube for yourself
Are you a type that loves sharing video news, entertainment, jokes,e.t.c you can earn money online by creating a YouTube for yourself. What you need to do is to create an account on, upload videos, and start monetizing them. Choose a category or subject that you want to make videos on and get started, but make sure it's a topic that will interest a lot of people.
3. Create a blog website
You can also run a blog website while going to school and make a huge amount of money, you can create a blog website and make money with your website by selling ad space, Affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, Selling Products Online, Accepting Donations from your users, and so on.
4. Freelancing
Freelancing is one of the largest paying online jobs that you could consider as a profession.
Freelancing has always been a common way to earn money online and There are a lot of jobs you can do through freelancing some of these are
5.Apply for scholarship
Most students don't apply for a scholarship because some don't have the knowledge or maybe they think they can't win a scholarship, So is easy for you to win a scholarship because there's less competition than you think. Some scholarship worth can be anything from $500 to over $1000 and can help pay for your school fees. You can check tons of scholarships you could apply for here.