"At an acupuncture and massage college, students have the option to participate in one of several massage therapy courses, as well as a number of Oriental medicine programs."
Find Acupuncture and Massage College Programs in the United States and Canada. If you're considering a career in alternative and complementary medicine, you can choose to enroll in an acupuncture and massage college where you will find a variety of educational programs geared for the holistic practitioner in mind.
At an acupuncture and massage college, students have the option to participate in one of several massage therapy courses, as well as a number of Oriental medicine programs. Some of the many comprehensive studies provided by an acupuncture and massage college will not only include aforementioned programs, but additional electives and continuing education courses like herbal medicine, acupressure/Shiatsu, Tai Chi, Qigong, Chinese medical massage (Tuina), and others.
An Oriental medicine program at an acupuncture and massage college is comprised of instruction in acupuncture, Oriental medicine and bodywork, acupuncture and needling techniques, Chinese herbal medicine, homeopathy, Chinese medical terminology, and other relevant studies. Be certain to review course requirements, as an Oriental medicine and acupuncture program at an acupuncture and massage college often requires standard educational prerequisites prior to enrollment.
Massage therapy curricula at an acupuncture and massage college are quite often comprised of basic anatomy and physiology, as well as Eastern massage modalities like Shiatsu, acupressure and Qigong. In addition, practical training commonly involves aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, Swedish massage, Chinese medical massage, as well as craniosacral therapy.
Depending on the acupuncture and massage college in which you elect to enroll, a number of career-training programs may result in a diploma, certification and/or degree. In most cases, completion of massage therapy and Shiatsu courses results in a certificate; while acupuncture and Oriental medicine programs result in a Masters in Science in Oriental Medicine, or Doctorate degree. Additionally, it is important to note that while Oriental bodywork programs can be completed in as little as 300-500 hours, acupuncture programs commonly take up to four years to finish.
Whether you are an aspiring healing arts practitioner or you're already a practicing physician, an acupuncture and massage college can provide you with the skills and training necessary to enhance your professional outlook and patient services. As the pages of mainstream medicine continue to evolve, the addition of alternative and complementary medicine training from an acupuncture and massage college is a welcome benefit to any successful healthcare practitioner.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding acupuncture and massage college programs let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.
Acupuncture and MassageCollege: Programs of Study
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