Avoid The Current Average College Tuition Utilizing This Tested Approach
The current average college tuition has rocketed to unspeakable levels. Is there a simple and legal way to eliminate it for promising college students?
I'll be the first one to admit that college isn't for everyone. The ridiculous average college tuition fees,
however, should not stop those students who are capable of succeeding at this level.
Or maybe they understandably can't stomach the idea of having $70,000 - $100,000 worth of student loan debt after they graduate.
My son was one of those capable students. But raising 8 children with my wife didn't leave us with near enough funds to cope with the current average college costs. We started looking into tuition costs for colleges in our area and the painful truth left us breathless.
According to collegeboard.com, the average cost for college tuition and fees was:
1) $7000 per year for in-state public universities,
2) $11,000 per year for out-of-state public universities, and
3) $26,000 per year for private universities.
How can hard-working families deal with average college tuition rates like these? The simple answer is to eliminate the tuition cost. Yes, it can be done both legally and most ethically.
You can do it by not enrolling in the college and getting your college credits through CLEP and DANTES testing credit programs. These programs have been officially recommended by the American Council on Education. DANTES was originally developed for military personnel but is now available to the general public.
You must be saying this is too good to be true. It is possible to avoid today's ridiculous average college tuition rates. Our son is proof and there are many others. He now has 87 college credits at the whopping cost of ONLY $3000. He will soon transfer those credits to a regionally accredited online college. He will finish his senior year credits through their online program and get his bachelor's degree in business.
Don't let these wild tuition costs push you around any more.