The Teacher Training diploma course syllabus of each programme is impeccably designed after thorough research to suit the different needs of our trainees so as to enable them to pursue our programmes successfully at their ease
Awareness is a choosy act of brains. To listen to a thing is to think on it by remove awareness from other things. The mind can listen on one thing at a time. Hence brain has to select. In the collection it is normal that the brain should select such matter in which it is involved. This is sufficiently established in our daily life. The boy whose attention is in playing will focus to play while one who is involved in studying will attend to learning. Hence one cannot focus to the studies by effectively sitting for it. On can attend to the studies only when one is bothered in it. Hence the victorious teacher tries to make the student involved in the studies.
Awareness is emotional nature which suggests awareness and maintains it. Curiosity is not action. It is a stable trend or a physical organization which goodsenoughinspiringrule to motor action. Curiosity is sometimes native and sometimes acquire. In the execution of naturalwants, the animal wisely shows concern. Thus the persons of unlike sexes are obviouslyattracted in each other. The herbivorous animals are engrossed in grass while the carnivorous are attracted in meat. Lion is attracted in goat while goat is attracted in green leaves. Further the natural kind nesses there are some obtain attention as well e.g. the scientist is involved in the instrument of his laboratory while they are no attention to the normal layman. Thus person expandun like safety according to their nature, awareness, monetary, common and following position etc. Feelings towards those things are typically acquired. The acquire attention depends upon knowledge. The attention is straight connected with emotion and needs. The thing or the person in which we are involved finds a place in our internal life and we expand it during our emotion towards it.
It is not needed that emotion should be stable. Things which do not complete any eternal need evoker only brief interest. As the need is satisfied, the personcease to take attention in such thing e.g. if a man has to cross a river, he will be very much concerned in the ship, but after he cross the river his notice in the boat will also come to an ending. They are lastingrational situation. According to Drever attention is a nature in its active feature. Interest is not an emotional knowledge, but emotional propensity. It is not a mind process, but rationalorganization. According to Pre Primary Teacher Training, “Attention is hiddennotice, awareness is concern in act.” As it has already been pointed out, interest I mental arrangement and it is spoken during awareness. When the person is not presence to atesting object, his curiosity in it is in a hiddenshape. Emotion is also an important determinant of awareness. It is matter of every day knowledge that we listen even to the leasterror of a person whom we hate though we do not listen even to the maximum mistake of a person whom we love.
Child with particular requirements
According to pre-primary teachers training “a special child is that child who turn from the averages or normal child is mental, physical or social personality to such a level that he require an alteration of educate practice or particular instructive repair in order to expand to his utmost ability”.Cognitive Evaluation and Feeling
Lizzie Milan holds Master’s in Psychology Degree. She was working aszws supervisor in teacher training course. Currently, she is working as course co-ordinator for montessori-training courses in mumbai & nursery teacher training (ntt) courses since last 20 years.Cognitive Ability
The Teacher Training diploma course syllabus of each programme is impeccably designed after thorough research to suit the different needs of our trainees so as to enable them to pursue our programmes successfully at their ease