Be Sure To Include All Dorm Necessities
Transitioning from life at home to a dorm room can be difficult. One of the largest tasks to overcome is acquiring the necessities that one does not a...
Transitioning from life at home to a dorm room can be difficult. One of the largest tasks to overcome is acquiring the necessities that one does not always think of before embarking onto a new chapter of life. Preparing the journey with the gadgets and electronics is usually the first thought; however,

there is a "laundry list" of items that easily slip through.
Universities specialize in the "twin long" style of bed accessories, and can be difficult to find. They do not fit the traditional bed styles of King or Queen. Looking under the bed, storage is another major issue in dorm rooms, especially when sharing the space with another resident. Bed risers typically can raise a bed anywhere from six inches to a foot, and can grant that extra space needed for larger storage bins.
The bathrooms are traditionally shared throughout a floor or a suite, instead of having a personal bathroom. Students generally have to take their belongings into the bathroom and carry them back when everything is done. There are carriers available to not only carry toiletries, but also to organize them depending on what is called for. Similar to that, towels and clothes are also an issue when heading to the community shower. Possessing a towel rack or hook to dry the towel in the room will save from washing a towel after every shower. Organizing the dorm room to optimize both study and personal life can also be a struggle. Room layout and organization can hamper study habits, or leave no time for a personal life. Desks and entertainment centers come in a lot of unique shapes and sizes to accommodate any style of room. The dressers and the closet space can be utilized more efficiently with the correct products.
Many colleges also have a community kitchen or cooking area. These may be per floor, or the entire building; in either case, unless the food bought is intended for the entire university to use, transporting food from the room to the kitchen can be difficult as well. Refrigerators are allowed but size restrictions inhibit a full range freezer in the corner of the dorm room. Storage containers and a sensible refrigerator can help refrain from the late night trip for fast food, conserving money and time.
At the end of the day, college is a prime time for growth and self-realization on a lot of different levels. Venturing throughout that journey with the right organization products can take a lot of the frustration out of the adjustment. Dorm life can be the best times, or can become a monotonous headache that comes back every day.