The Teacher Training diploma course syllabus of each programme is impeccably designed after thorough research to suit the different needs of our trainees so as to enable them to pursue our programmes successfully at their ease
Corporeal expansion during childhood by Preschool Teacher Training:
Two stages: Childhood is separated into two stages of expansion, the first lasting from birth to three years; then the second stage lasts till the child is six years of age.
Speedy expansion in First Year: The child develops very quickly in the child stage. At birth, the child is physical ugly because the skin is lined, the face gasping up and red, the size of the head about one fourth of the body and the rest of the body disturbed. When born the child is about twenty inches in height, but grows another 10 inches before its first years finished. In the process of growth, the head becomes one eighth of the body, the length of arms and legs also boost as the child comes to need them more and more in his alteration to life exterior the womb.
Development of interior organs: Teeth are missing at birth, but within a year the child being cutting teeth are called milk teeth. In the childhood, the interior organs of the child’s body suffer steady expansion. The most famous ones to expand are the digestive organs, lungs, muscles, nervous system, nerves, sex organs and glands. This expansion achieves balance between the various inner organs.
Child with particular requirements
According to pre-primary teachers training “a special child is that child who turn from the averages or normal child is mental, physical or social personality to such a level that he require an alteration of educate practice or particular instructive repair in order to expand to his utmost ability”.Cognitive Evaluation and Feeling
Lizzie Milan holds Master’s in Psychology Degree. She was working aszws supervisor in teacher training course. Currently, she is working as course co-ordinator for montessori-training courses in mumbai & nursery teacher training (ntt) courses since last 20 years.Cognitive Ability
The Teacher Training diploma course syllabus of each programme is impeccably designed after thorough research to suit the different needs of our trainees so as to enable them to pursue our programmes successfully at their ease