Chinese medicine education offered through several acupuncture schools and other Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) schools include certificate programs that are comprehensive, and can enhance your professional aspirations.
Find Chinese medicine education in the United States and Canada. Chinese medicine education offered through several acupuncture schools and other Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) schools include certificate programs that are comprehensive, and can enhance your professional aspirations.
A good example of one of the many certificate programs extended through an in-depth Chinese medicine education is the certificate in Chinese herbal medicine (CCHM). This Chinese medicine education program is a postgraduate course for licensed acupuncturists and covers a tremendous curriculum that includes Chinese medicine education in botany, Chinese medical terminology, herbal formulation and therapeutics, Chinese medicine principles and theories, and other related subject matter. Though each school varies in its Chinese medicine education; a number of these programs average about 62 credits.
Other certificate programs offered through Chinese medicine education courses are the Asian bodywork and Qigong courses. Chinese medicine education in these subjects encompass practical training and academics in a range of topics including but not limited to TCM theories, anatomy, qigong, clinical bodywork, shiatsu, biomechanics, kinesiology, Thai massage, Tuina, and other related studies. In many instances, successful students who have completed all bodywork training requirements are awarded Tuina and shiatsu massage certificates.
In addition, some Chinese medicine education courses are extended through home-study programs, as well as in-class studies. These certificate and continuing education programs include courses in herbology. In this Chinese medicine education course, students are introduced to Chinese herbal medicine, pathology, tonic herbs and formulation, and many more associated topics of interest.
Furthermore, several alternative healing schools will provide Chinese medicine education certificate and/or diploma courses in Oriental medicine nutrition, skin care, wellness and acupressure.
If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding appropriate Chinese medicine education to help attain your dream job, let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.
Chinese Medicine Education: Certificate Programs
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