No matter what you and your kids choose to grow, it’s the fun and pleasure of making something special that you’ll enjoy the most. Whether you plant cherry tomatoes in window box or prize-winning marigolds in a flower bed – the learning you share with the kids will bloom into something that will tolerate after the last plant has been chosen.
There is nothing more pleasant for a kid than planting a seed and watching it grow into something beautiful or something to eat. Gardening is one of those enduring activities that all ages of kids can enjoy together. Your kids will need very little influence to come play in the mud. You’ll find them keenly lined up and ready to go if you follow these simple ideas.
Make Gardening kid Friendly
To make gardening easier and more interesting to young kids,
be sure to offer them child-size tools. A three-year-old will become irritated in trying to handle an adult-size watering can. Watch his coolness and interest in gardening soar when he’s given a watering can just his size. This same idea is relevant to gardening gloves, trowels, and wheelbarrows, too. In addition to offering appropriate tools, you’ll want to plan gardening activities that are suitable to the kids’ age and developmental skills. Three and four-year-olds love digging in the mud, putting plants and seeds in the ground, and watering growing plants. School-age kids, on the other hand, will like planning what will go into the garden and harvesting the fruits, vegetables, and flowers. They can also help in maintaining the garden by taking out weeds. As you take on in these activities, keep in mind that gardening is a magnificent opportunity to integrate science and math skills. Kids will need to calculate the rows, learn about composting, and make sure plants have the appropriate sun and nutrients.
Choose Plants That Grow Easily
To make your school garden flourishing, you will want to choose seeds that are easy for young kids to plant. Pumpkins, green beans, sunflowers, and peas are nice big seeds suitable for preschool children. Quick growing vegetables and flowers also make suitable options in school gardens. Young kids like to see outcome quickly. They’ll ask if they can pick the vegetables and fruits the day after planting! Radishes, peas, green beans, lettuce, baby carrots, and sunflowers all make outstanding choices because they grow very quickly. For quick results in the flowerbed, purchase seedlings from a nursery. Flats of flowers and veggies produce results kids can see right away.
Pick a Theme
If you really want your kids to get into gardening, pick a subject for your garden. Try one of the following suggestions suggested by Montessori course or come up your
own. The possibilities are endless!
•Pizza Garden – Everything you need to make a pizza can be grown in a garden: tomatoes, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, oregano, basil, green onions, basil, and
•Scented Herb Garden – Basil, lemon aromatic plant, mint, fragrant geraniums, dill, and lavender make a wonderfully scented garden.
•Petting Zoo – This garden will include plants that are fun to touch, such as Sea Pink, Lamb’s Ear, and mint.
•Peter Rabbit’s Garden – Beets, radishes, mint, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, hyssop, sage, rosemary, and strawberries are all featured plants in the classic story.
•Sensory Garden by online teacher training – Plant a garden that includes things that involve all five senses: Lamb’s Ear for touch, lavender for scent, basil for taste, poppy for eyes, and snapdragons for the ear to hear.