Is that foxy woman more than she appears to be? Read this article to discover why you'll either have to get her clothes off or hire a hunting dog in order to learn the truth.
Though the first of its kind came from a parallel world, the Kumiho still is alive and well here and now. When in natural form it has the appearance of a common fox with one major exception. Rather than having a single tail it sports nine. It's a great rarity to see it in this form because it spends the bulk of its life in human guise.
The body of the Kumiho can change into the form of any human it chooses. To keep its anonymity it's common practice for the Kumiho to kill the person it wants to imitate, devour the heart (the morsel it requires to stay alive), and dispose of the body after mutilating it beyond recognition.
Once done, the Kumiho uses its new form to lure another human someplace out of the way and repeats the process. Potentially, this means a single Kumiho could kill thousands with no one being any the wiser. This would be bone chilling if just one such creature existed, but according to the written accounts of the Kumiho any fox that lives a thousand years automatically becomes one. This means we have absolutely no idea of how many are out there.
In all the tales of Kumiho we've gathered to date, there's only one instance where one chose to take the form of a man. In other cases they imitated the forms of beautiful women. So perfect are the imitations that a girl's own mother can't tell the difference unless she's aware what to look for.
Even though the body transformation is nearly flawless, a Kumiho is incapable of changing one physical aspect as well as its feral nature. Herein lies our chance of discovering it before our heart literally goes out to it. If you're sharp of eye you'll see a fox like attribute on the transformation. It might be something as subtle as the way it looks through its eyes, or it may be more observable in its cunning actions. Failing this there are two ways of knowing for sure. The first is to persuade the suspect to disrobe. You'll note the genitalia is that of a fox. The safer and more discreet solution is to bring a hunting dog near enough to catch its scent (which is undetectable to humans).
If you discover a Kumiho in either form, run! Only a hand full of survivors have lived to tell the tale. All except for two survived through shear luck. The other two ran as the raging Kumiho shredded their faithful furry companions.
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