Person Centered Theory has developed by psychologists in order to help therapists in treatment and purposing their clients in successful adjusting to changes and right choices in their lives.
There is an internal force (the actualizing tendency) in each individual which is the motivational force for change. This force is always constructive and directed towards developing the potentialities of the individual. This force is promoted by the therapist’s congruence, and by the client’s perception of the therapist’s experience of unconditional positive regard and empathic understanding of the client’s frame of reference.
The statement above makes it clear that there is a total absence of directive intentions to instruct or guide under this therapy. The therapist generally creates an atmosphere of freedom in the relationship with the client by trusting the natural development made by the client and giving them time to get back to their world. However, there might be a problem of Maladjustment in this therapy, the problem crops-up when the values that are inherited by the client fall inconsistent with the actual outside world. These values come from parents, other important people around, and society as a whole, and are uncritically taken in and accepted by the person, when in truth, some of them fit very poorly, but this after all is a part of socialization, which can not be avoided. Person centered therapy is designed to overcome these problems so that the crisis can be resolved. The therapy believes that people can review and revise values, beliefs, and their self-concepts if provided a therapeutic environment that includes all the three requisites mentioned above. In such an environment that is free of threat and counselor judgments of right or wrong, which is described above as “Unconditional Positive Regard”, they can explore themselves with relative safety.
Success Formula for Science research paper
Every year lot of students comes across their science research paper and it starts the beginning of a life long relation with the research and thesis papers. And it is during the preparation of such thesis papers that they learn the most. The paper is an answer to the question that has been asked, during the process of research. The other way to look into this is that the thesis paper is a summary of the theory that you have determined for your selected topic.Guidance for Sociology research paper
The format and styling of any category of thesis is more or less same, however, it is a bit different for a sociology research paper. The main reason for such a difference is because a paper dealing with this subject tries to check the hypotheses and predictions of a particular theory and findings.10 Steps to Write Scientific research paper
A scientific research paper is a way of communication for the world of science and it portrays the results of a particular research topic. Hence, this assignment follows a specific and unique method and format, in which the author of the paper uses a well structured and logical style to depict his results of the research.