Article explains the role of higher education counselor for choosing the top university and colleges in UK, USA, Australia and Canada. Also covers the importance of higher education counselor in career development of students.
My responses to this topic will include the most honest reflection of those experience-based and observation-based biases that I can offer. Our role as a counselor is to demonstrate genuineness by being transparent, showing unconditional positive regards like accepting caring, valuing & respecting and to convey a deep level of understanding.
We know to help a student choose a college is a big decision either nationally or globally, Like any other product or service it is important to be smart consumer when choosing the university Abroad. We should sit on one to one basis and motivate the students to take up studies abroad by indulging the knowledge and value of graduation from a foreign university. Before we give them the information we must know the country, weather, lifestyle and very importantly the universities ranking, eligibility criteria, fees structure, scholarship, accommodation etc. We can cater to the students according to the eligibility. Apart from this we can ask coordinate with their parents to discuss on their child’s career, by showing testimonial, our website details promising words about the guidance through visa stamping and post landing services and so on.
Giving the information, where a university stands in the pecking order of higher education is a vital piece of information for any prospective student, but the quality of the course is what matters most. The most modest university may have a center of specialist excellence and even leading universities have average departments. As a counselor we should discover the skills, interests, values and issues seem to be recurrent in students looking for their careers to study in UK, USA, Australia, Canada and other countries. By learning in a variety of settings such as content focused, experimentally based, interactive, supportive, informal and highly structured we can select the features that best fit career goals with some systematic observation
Counseling offers a unique opportunities to be a part of an experiment in learning & guiding. Dedicated towards the idea of counseling about studying abroad, be sure to consider a search, where website is a good place to begin. We should take a course work facilitated by exceptional university & program which gives more information.
While suggesting the university we should clearly see to the previous background of their education. We should determine what type of university the students are looking for,
Determine what type of program they would like to choose, determine what best would suit their personal, Academic & financial profile or parameters.
Beyond this our service & program should promote personal/social, educational & career development of students, it should provide a range of guidance/counseling from development focus to a responsive/remedial focus. Counseling can serve as a guide or checklist for a person wanting to acquire or to enhance the skills in their career. Theory and knowledge considered essential for profession engaging in career counseling in understanding, evaluation & conducting research.
Higher education counselor is that each of us is permitted to discover ways of helping others that fit us best, as long as we maintain ethical and competence standards established by our peers that include content and information acquisition, skill development through systematic modeling and supervision, process interaction with the concerned person, refinement of counseling interventions through feedback.
Counselors receive exposure to the core knowledge base of our profession including developmental theory, career development, assessment, multicultural awareness, and individual and group interventions as well as training in the skills of helping.
Study in Glasgow University
Study in Glasgow University is one of the seventeen British higher education institution ranked amongst the top 100 universities of world. University of Glasgow is ranked 3rd in the U.K for student experience & 20th as a centre of educational excellence.Study in Essex University
Study in University of Essex is one of the U.K’s leading academic institutions, which is known for its International Reputation of teaching and research. University of Essex provides student support service to students. Student Support offers advice on many welfare issues including finance and funding, benefits available to students etc.Study in Brighton University
University of Brighton is a modern & progressive University. Study in Brighton University is known for providing professional and vocational courses to its students. University of Brighton is among few universities who have achieved Matrix Award for quality of its students, advice and guidance services.