Study in University of Loughborough
University of Loughborough is a research intensive university. It is known for providing high quality experience to its students. Study in Loughborough University is ranked best for its graduate employment. Most of its courses are accredited by professional bodies. Loughborough University is a fair trade university & the first university in U.K to buy all its power from renewable sources.
University of Loughborough is a research intensive university. It is known for providing high quality experience to its students. University of Loughborough is ranked best for its graduate employment. Most of its courses are accredited by professional bodies. University of Loughborough has won times higher award for best student experience in U.K. Study in University of Loughborough is ranked among top 3 universities for teaching quality. University of Loughborough has won 6 Queen’s Anniversary awards for higher and further education. University of Loughborough was named as university of year by Sunday times in 2008. University of Loughborough is a home to world leading CREST (Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology). Loughborough University is ranked 5th in people and planet green league. University of Loughborough was awarded first class degree for its solid environmental performance. University of Loughborough has won national award for providing outstanding support for overseas students. Loughborough University is a fair trade university & the first university in U.K to buy all its power from renewable sources. University of Loughborough is generating its own electricity combined with heat & power plant. According to National Student Survey University of Loughborough is placed among top 5 universities in U.K .Five subjects of University of Loughborough are ranked top in U.K and thirteen subjects are ranked among top 5 in U.K. Loughborough university is equipped with one of the best union media centers in U.K .It provides opportunity to students to develop necessary skills to get good jobs in media industry. University of Loughborough is ranked among top universities in U.K for its learning resources. University of Loughborough is ranked as one of the top university of U.K for student satisfaction. Loughborough University is a member of group of internationally recognized research intensive universities. Degree programmes of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering of University of Loughborough are accredited by Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Royal Aeronautical Society. Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Loughborough is ranked 4th in U.K. MBA of University of Loughborough is accredited by AMBA. Business School of University of Loughborough is also accredited by EQUIS. Business School of University of Loughborough is among top ten business schools in U.K. Management studies of University of Loughborough is ranked 4th and its Accounting is ranked 5th in U.K .Two-Third degrees of University of Loughborough are job oriented. Student Union of University of Loughborough is one of the biggest in U.K. Career service of University of Loughborough is ranked 9th in U.K. Career Service of University of Loughborough arrange career fairs,

helps students in preparing there CV, preparing for interview questions, help them in getting part time jobs etc. University of Loughborough has student advice centre. This centre helps students on issues such as finance, visas and housing. Mathematics learning support centre of University of Loughborough is awarded as centre of excellence. Counselors of University of Loughborough adhere to the code of ethics and conduct of British association for counseling and psychotherapy. Counselors provide advice on all personal and academic issues. All the counseling’s are kept confidential. Business School of University of Loughborough is a member of Consortium of European Business Schools.Study in UK Energy Technologies Institute of University of Loughborough is key to U.K’s research & development into efficient production and use of energy. University of Loughborough has alumni association. This association aims to establish life long relationship with its students and graduates. University of Loughborough is known for its computing services. University of Loughborough provides online learning material to its students. Engineering centre of University of Loughborough is awarded as centre of excellence in learning and teaching. University of Loughborough is ranked 1st in U.K for its design & technology, ergonomics and safety research.18% of research of University of Loughborough is world leading. University of Loughborough is first university in U.K to be accredited for its nutritionally balanced menus.