The need for math tutoring is undeniable. However, who you allow to help you makes a world of difference.
In school there is at least one subject that everyone deems their favorite. On the other hand,

there is a subject people find absolutely impossible to fully grasp. When this happens, no matter what area of study, it is important to get the proper help. If not, you could end up worse off than you started.
For instance, imagine if there was a girl in middle school named Meg. She was having trouble in her Pre-Algebra class, but she was afraid to tell her parents about it, out of fear they'd be disappointed. So, one day her mom and dad called her downstairs into the living room.
"Meg, we got your progress report in the mail today," said her father sternly. "Why didn't you tell us you were struggling in arithmetic?"
She sighed loudly as she braced herself for trouble and the possibility of being grounded.
"I was afraid of what you'd say," said Meg hanging her head. "Now that you know, can you guys please find someone to help me who is a professional in math tutoring?"
Her father suddenly looked up, with an unusual burst of energy.
"I've got an idea," he said excitedly. "We don't need to waste money on math tutoring, because I was a genius in math when I was in high school. So, I can help you."
Meg's mother didn't think it was a good idea.
"Honey, that was almost 30 years ago," she said. "Besides, the level of skill it takes to do math in school nowadays is much higher than when we were in school. So, I think we should leave it to a professional."
"No, I'm more than able to help," said the father confidently. "You'll see."
So, Meg's father kept his word and helped his daughter as she prepared for her next test. On the day before the test they worked tirelessly throughout the night going over last minute information. Secretly, Meg was still somewhat confused, but she didn't want to hurt her father's feelings. She also believed her confusion was connected to her great disdain for the subject.
A week and a half finally passed and she walked into the front door with her test score in her hand.
"I have my test score," she said as she tried her best to hide her disappointment.
"So, what did you get?" asked her mother.
"I failed," she said as she put her palm to her head. "I'm sorry guys, but I did the best I could.
"I don't understand how you failed when we worked on those problems for hours," said her father. "Maybe we should have studied a little longer. I knew we should've made those flash cards."
Meg let out a loud sigh and put her hand on her dad's shoulder.
"Dad, I don't mean to be mean or rude, but I'm in serious need of math tutoring," she said. "Can, we please just hire a professional?"
Her dad looked up at her trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Okay, dear," he said. "I guess you're right." It was time for some professional math tutoring.