Things that Emotional Attach kids

Feb 20




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Children become emotionally attached to cuddly toys, blankets and even smelly old scraps of material because they instinctively believe they possess a unique essence or life force.


A number of parents in our early childhood education program are worried about their child's binkie habit. Some of the parents want our help in trying to accustom their child away from their comfort items. How do we make clear to parents why binkies,Things that Emotional Attach kids Articles blankies, and bottles are important to their child? While we support children having comfort items, do you have any suggestions for organizing, and what do you do if a parent be adamant on breaking a child's habit?
Preschoolers and kids often become emotionally involved to objects such as pacifiers, blankets, and bottles, particularly when they are in some type of preschool teacher training child care program. Long hours of disconnection from the comfort of their parents and their home can leave some infants and toddlers frightened and nervous. The most serious factor in a child's life is the connection he makes to other human beings; the skill to bond will affect him for his lifetime. A child may start to form close bonds with caregivers but even in the best program, there is frequently a high rate of turnover for teachers. Visualize the sense of loss and abandonment some children must feel when such vital aspects of their lives keep changing. It is for these reasons that children often become fond of to their binkies, blankies, and bottles.
In addition to satisfying their need to bond, children will use comfort items for biting. Humans are born with the urge to bite; biting fills a touching need. Most pediatricians of teacher training Mumbai, however, suggest weaning babies at one year of age, and dentists advise of "baby bottle tooth decay," a condition that occurs when babies drink milk from bottles while falling asleep. Even though these are solid suggestions, think about the times a crying toddler or kid must wait to be held, spoken to, or have his basic affecting and physical needs met while in your early childhood care. Society permits adults to reduce their stress by sipping coffee, tea, sodas, and alcohol or by smoking a cigarette. How can we deny a child the basis of comfort that comes from holding a favorite blanket or biting on a pacifier or bottle?
As a caregiver, with time at a premium, you may refuse to accept dealing with binkies, blankies, and bottles, but there are easy solutions to some of the realistic problems. Mark each binkie with the child's name and hang them on hooks where you can reach them. Keep a small sink of mild bleach water on a high shelf so you can wash a binkie after use. Fill nursing bottles with warm water at naptime. During the day, allocate each child a bottle of a different style and color, label it with his name and keep the bottles in a self-service cooler with blue ice. Put blankets in the kid's cubby when they not being nestled.
Every pre primary teacher training program's manual should include a child-centered statement of policy concerning items that bring comfort. If a parent stress the withholding of such items, a strong director will talk to the parents about the emotional needs of their child, point out the early childhood care and education program's policy, and act as an supporter for the child. If there is an genuine medical need to withhold a pacifier or a bottle, we offer the following strategies: 1) give a great deal of additional physical and emotional comfort to the child when he is under stress; and 2) find ways to divert the child by helping him find a toy or other alternate to play with.
When should we ask kids to give up these cherished objects? Most kids outgrow them between age two and three. If a child still relies on them at age three, begin a slow changeover. I remember a little girl, Amy, who was approaching age three. She still wanted her bottle, but she was moving from the toddler program into the preschool. During the month before she turned three, we slowly diluted her bottle with water, explaining that after her birthday she would only have a cup. Every morning I cuddled with her, cheering and distracting her. By her birthday, she was ready to give up her bottle and enter a new program.
