What are anagrams
When you rearrange the letters of a word to make a different word or words, you make an anagram. The letters in the word cat can be arranged to spell act.
So we say act is an anagram of cat. For thousands of years,
people have been making anagrams just for the fun of it—in the same way that they work crossword puzzles for the fun of it. The best anagrams are the ones that turn some word into a phrase that describes it, as when telegraph is turned into great help.
One strange anagram is angered and enraged, which use the same letters and mean the same thing. The game of anagrams. Two or more persons can play an interesting game with anagram tiles, which are little squares of wood or cardboard with letters stamped on them. These can be bought in stores, or you can easily make a home made set on heavy cardboard cut in 3/4 inch squares. The letter is marked on one side only; the other side is blank. All tiles are turned face down and shuffled around so that no one can be sure what letter any of them is.
Four tiles are turned face up and put in the centre of the table. Each player in turn draws one tile and turns it up. If he can use it, with other tiles that are already turned up in the centre, to make a word of three or more letters, he makes the word and puts it face up, in a row, in front of him. Then he can draw another tile and try to make another word. But if he cannot use the letter he draws, he puts it face up in the center to join the letters that are already there, and it is the next player's turn. You can steal a word from an opponent if you add at least one letter to it and rearrange the letters in any way.
For instance, another player has in front of him the word man, which he made before when it was his turn. In your turn, you draw an e. You can add the E to his word, turn it into name, and take it for your own word. You could also use a letter or letters from the centre to steal the word. You could not turn his man into mane and take it, because you would not be rearranging his word. The game ends when any player gets five words in front of him. This player wins the game. There are many other ways to play anagrams. One kind of anagram game, called Scrabble, became very popular during the 1950s. Games of this kind are sold in stores.