Why we Should Learn and Practice Yoga

Dec 29


Ebba Maria1

Ebba Maria1

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Yoga is the bridge between man and divinity. Yoga invokes in man a strong sense of values, and his growth becomes rational and wholesome. Yoga brings about an awareness of human dignity and man starts feeling reluctant to scramble unceremoniously for material gains. Man's life becomes holy with the touches of Yoga. Learn Yoga online on Skype or Google Hang Outs conducted by GAALC


Yoga is not an exercise. This is an art of philosophy. The Yogi says that nothing is a miracle and that any man can achieve what he sets out to do. Miracle means some feat that defies natural laws,Why we Should Learn and Practice Yoga Articles such for instance, as levitation. Now read some words from SRI AURUBINDO: The aim of Yoga is not only to rise out of the ordinary important world-consciousness into the divine consciousness, but to bring the supra mental power of that divine consciousness down into the ignorance of mind, life and body, to transfer them, to manifest them, to manifest the Divine here and create a divine life in matter. If you can accept the ideal wholeheartedly, face all the difficulties, leave the past and its ties behind you are ready to give up everything and risk everything for this divine possibility, then only can you hope to discover by experience the truth behind it.

If you have an interest to know more on Yoga come to us. GAALC- the top rated global Indian Yoga School offers live, real time, one-on-one, interactive online Yoga lessons on Skype or Google Hangouts.

Learn the Yoga Asana – Yoga Postures with GAALC online Training Academy

 Yoga is more than a mere combination of exercises and breathing. These are merely means towards an end. Nor does it involve, as some imagine, sitting for endless hours contemplating one's navel, or the infinite. Yoga is a complete philosophy of life. It embraces the physical, mental and spiritual. It is non-sectarian and the religious as well as the non religious as well as the non-religious can study Yoga with benefit and without offense to their beliefs or disbelieves. Hatha Yoga a part of Yoga. It helps one to be physically fit, and it can be practiced to the exclusion of all other forms of Yoga. To enter the inner world of Yoga it is essential first to practice Hatha Yoga, for unless the body is fit, it is impossible to forget it and concentrate upon the mind. Learn how to do Yoga, benefits of Yoga, Yoga for fitness, Yoga therapy, Surya namaskar, breathing techniques, Yoga for different health conditions, Yoga meditation and relaxation with online class lessons conducted on  “Skype” by GAALC.

 Yoga Decrease stresses by Prompt the Relaxation Response

Hatha Yoga includes such practices as daily hygiene, internal as well as external. A short of hygiene which people know nothing about. It includes also Yogasanas (Yoga postures), which ensure a proper supply of blood to all parts of the body, strengthen the spine and internal organs and assist the circulation. Then there are the “mudras” a very advanced system of physical exercises that give one control of the abdominal and other important groups of muscles essential to perfect health. Pranayama or breath control increases fitness and immunity from changes of temperature and disease. Pratyahara is that branch of Hatha Yoga that helps to develop patience. Dharana develops powers of concentration. Dhyana are practices which assist one to meditate. GAALC offers online Yoga training lesson on “Skype” conducted by Indian Yoga teachers