20 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales Using Free ... ... ... ... course is a group of articles or ... set up to be sent out ... over a set period of
20 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales Using Free Follow-Up Autoresponder Courses
An autoresponder course is a group of articles or information set up to be sent out separately over a set period of time by e-mail. People just e-mail your autoresponder to receive the free course and it is sent out automatically over time. You can find free follow-up autoresponders to use by typing it into any search engine. Below are twenty ways to use them to increase your traffic and sales.
1. Offer your course as a free bonus for purchasing one of your main products or services. People will
buy your products quicker when you offer a bonus.
2. When you write and give away a free course you will become known as an expert. This'll gain people's trust and they will buy your main product quicker.
3. Allow others to add your free course to their own product packages. Their customers will see your ad when they purchase.
4. People love to get freebies. A free autoresponder course is perfect. They will visit your web site to get the free valuable information.
5. Allow people to receive your course for free, if they give you the e-mail addresses of 3 to 5 friends or associates that would be interested.
6. Allow other people to give away your free course. This will increase the number of people that will see your ad in the course.
7. You could trade advertising space in your course for other forms of advertising. It could be banner ads,
e-zine ads, web site ads, etc.
8. Gain new leads by having people sign up and give you their contact info before they can receive your
autoresponder course.
9. Give away the autoresponder course as a free gift to your current customers as a way of letting them
know you appreciate their business.
10. Give away the course to people that join your affiliate program. This will increase the number of people that sign-up.
11. Make money selling advertising space in your course. You could charge for small classified ads or sponsor ads.
12. Get free advertising by submitting your course to freebie web sites. This will increase the number of people that will see your ads in the course.
13. Make money by selling the reprint rights to those people that would like to sell the course. You could make more money by selling the master rights.
14. Hold a contest on your web site so people could win your course. You will get free advertising when you submit your contest to free contest directories.
15. You'll gain valuable referrals from people telling others about your course. Word of mouth advertising can be very effective.
16. Make money cross promoting your course with other people's products or services. This technique will double your marketing effort.
17. Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving your course to people that subscribe to your e-zine. This'll
give people an incentive to subscribe.
18. Allow your affiliates to use the free course as a promotional tool for your product. Each lesson could
include their affiliate link.
19. Promote other businesses affiliate programs you join with your free autoresponder course. Include a
different affiliate link on each lesson.
20. Advertise a different product or service on each lesson. If you only have one, use different emotional
response ads on each lesson.
Multiply Your Links
I feel the most ... way to get people to link to your web site is by offering web masters the option of giving away your free stuff. In ... they link to your web site. Why would other webIf You Build It, They Will Come...
...No they won't. On the web, building a web site is not enough. If there are no links to the site anywhere, no-one is going to visit it. The site won't even be listed in any of the search engines without some incoming links. To get traffic, you will need to do some promotion.Endorsement Marketing Secrets
Endorsement marketing is having famous or reputable people recommend your product or service to others. They could be celebrities, star athletes, musicians, etc. Choose people thatare related to your business and might actually use your product or service.