Best Practices in Email Marketing
Spryka Email Charger is a powerful bulk email marketing application for Microsoft Windows. Its an Email newsletter software that manages a mailing list and sends mass newsletter emailings, without incurring any recurring fees or monthly charges.
Email is an important and useful way to communicate with your colleagues,

partners, business prospects and customers. Marketers are utilizing this means of communicating to introduce their products and services to potential customers. The effectiveness of emails can be increased by focusing on certain good practices. The following practices are very useful for your email marketing campaigns;
• You should use informative, short length and meaningful subject lines for your email messages. It is a bad practice to write subject lines with all capital letters as that denotes “shouting”.
• You should use your company or brand name or the name of a familiar person in “from” line instead of just a random email address.
• The sender email address should contain your company or brand name reference or it should be created on your domain. Company email addresses are protected from spam bots so you need JavaScript enabled browsers to view your email marketing message.
• You should design your email message in a way that key information should be displayed properly, including images. You should use text links since picture links may create problems if images are blocked.
• You should include link to your website near the top of the message. Moreover there should be a link or button such as “Share with a friend” to send a copy of this message to another person of the recipients choosing.
• You should provide an update link in your email marketing message encouraging your subscribers to update their information or preferences.
• You should provide a link or button redirecting to the subscription form in the email message. Similarly, don’t forget to provide a link to the unsubscribe form.
• You should request your recipient to add your email address in their safe sender list. This will ensure delivery to their Inbox.
• You should provide a link to the search page on your website in your email message. It should be able to redirect your reader to the search results page on your website.
• You should also provide a direct link to your company’s privacy policy to ensure your credibility is maintained.
• The Contact Us’ or ‘Feedback’ link should be clearly visible in your email marketing message.
• Marketers should provide complete physical address of the company including post box, street and other information.
• Telephone is a fast way of communication as compare to email. Contact number of your company should be present in your email messages.