Of the many strategic email marketing initiatives employed by organisations looking to succeed in generating revenues, the most important one is to ensure delivery to the recipients.
Many experts in the field of email marketing are of the opinion that in order to ensure that the strategic email marketing initiatives are successful, one must think like the customer. However, thinking like the customer, or recipient, as one may call him/her, and behaving like one are different. The latter is the differentiating factor. It is extremely important to understand the behavioural aspects of email marketing to ensure success. The first consideration, then, is obviously about the fact that permission must be sought before randomly sending emails to customers. And therein lies the biggest challenge. How can one seemingly ask for permission before sending the email.
The answer to this strategic email marketing problem lies within the grasp of marketers, although many do not choose to see it, strategic email marketing willingly or otherwise. That there should always be an unsubscribe button in every email message is common knowledge. However, the recipient must also be given the option of marking the sender as safe, to ensure that all emails from that particular domain land in the inbox. The benefit is not limited to a higher chance of a click through or generating revenue, but also about reputation management.
Owing to the advanced filtering techniques, desktop as well as web-based email clients choose to categorise emails sent from a particular email address as blacklisted if the sender does not open them, or if they repeatedly fall in the spam folder. Hence, it’s necessary to ensure that the customer has a choice to always get the email message in his/her inbox, if it suits his/her requirement. This is also essentially a fair trade practice, and also builds brand equity, which can easily be lost if the emails suddenly ‘stop’ coming. This is just one of the strategic email marketing tactics
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