Using an e-signature is one of the easiest, most effective ways to bring targeted visitors to your site. Many webmasters waste this great opportunity to advertise their site, and bring potential customers to their site.
An e-signature is really your personal internet signature which you leave at the end of every piece of writing on the internet whether it is an email, article or forum post. Check out my e-signature below:
The aim of your e-signature should be to try and get people clicking on the link back to your site. Make sure you put your link in the signature where it is clearly visible. I suggest putting your link on a separate line from other text to make it easy for a viewer to know where to click.
Make sure you inform the reader where they’re clicking to. Include a small description of no more than 20 – 30 words that informs the reader where they’re clicking to and also sells the benefit of your site. Make it very clear how the viewer will benefit from your site if they click on your link.
Always include your contact information in your e-signature. People always want to know where to go if they have a problem or want more information. If they have to look around for your email, then they will be unimpressed and may pass on bad word about your site’s service to others. On the other hand, if they can contact you easily and you can reply quickly with a polite, helpful email, then they will very likely pass on good words to their friends. Including your contact information also invites people to ask questions or find out additional information. This gives you a possible new prospect, a new email address, and valuable information about an outsider’s views on your site which you could add to your FAQ page if it is a question, or a testimonial page if it is a positive comment. Leaving your contact information on articles you have written is extremely important. This will give publishers who might want to include you article in their ezine a chance to contact you. Publishers will not include your article if they can not contact you first.
Try to make your e-signature stand out. Although e-signatures are the one of the most neglected ways of advertising, there are plenty of other people who are using them to boost their web traffic. I’ve found that the “=” sign is an effective way of making e-signatures stand out. If you are sending emails regularly with an e-signature then try to change the border of your e-signature now and again. If people see a difference in your e-signature it will rouse their curiosity and make them click on the link.
An alternative way of making your e-signature stand out is to use ‘P.S’ like you would in a written letter. People are naturally curious and are always going to read that last little bit of an email or article, just to find out what else the writer has to tell them. I find that this tactic is particularly useful when writing an informative email to subscribers about updates on my site.
Overall, I suggest experimenting with your e-signature until you have it just right. Ask your friends whether they think it is effective and whether it stands out sufficiently. Just keep on trying new e-signatures out until you get the highest response rates.
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Please feel free to use this article in your ezine or on your site so long as the content remains unchanged and the author’s by-lines are included.