Trouble is the ... ... ... aches are e-mails that attack. They throw out ... and ... (often using fowl ... leaving your spirit in ... e-mails
Trouble is the occasional threatening e-mail.
Heart aches are e-mails that attack. They throw out accusations and condemnation (often using fowl language), leaving your spirit in disarray.
Cruel e-mails are hoaxes that call upon fear or pull at your heart strings.
Rude e-mails suppose you to appreciate suggestive pictures or language.
Difficult e-mails are those that question your every word, thought, or motive.
Shocking e-mails are ones wherein otherwise intelligent people send out chain letters and make promises they can not keep; like so many angels at your side, offers to grant wishes (as if they were a genie), and use superstitious bad luck scare tactics.
Really Insulting e-mails are when the pictures are totally nude and frontal.
Uncomfortable e-mails include the opposite sex flirting.
All the above are Satan's antics; with intent to distract, discourage, and detour us from our calling; and, if he can not do that, then to destroy our credibility, testimony, and witness.
We have all made occasional errors in forwarding e-mails. Let us learn from our mistakes, be a bit wiser, and consider, "What Kind of E-mail are You?"
© 2003 by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit purposes.
Making OE Stationery
Using the Outlook E-mail ProgramWhatever jpg or gif you intend to use must first be stored in this file: C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedStationeryCommitted Works: Exploring Biblical Symbolism and Prophecy
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In a world rife with division, the church's unity stands as a beacon of hope and a testament to divine truth over human doctrine. This unity is not merely a lofty ideal but a practical necessity, rooted deeply in scriptural teachings that emphasize the importance of collective faith and action. Understanding and living by God's word, as opposed to following merely human interpretations, can be the difference between spiritual triumph and failure.