Brutal Legend: Is It Worth Your Money?

May 15


Roberto Sedycias

Roberto Sedycias

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Brutal Legend is a unique blend of mission-based gameplay and rock music, featuring appearances from famous rock legends. But is it worth your investment? Let's dive into the details.



Brutal Legend offers a unique gaming experience by combining mission-based gameplay with a rock music backdrop. Featuring the voice of Jack Black and appearances from rock legends like Ozzy Osbourne and Lemmy Kilmister,Brutal Legend: Is It Worth Your Money? Articles the game provides a nostalgic trip for rock fans. While the game excels in its musical elements and humor, it falls short in mission variety and graphical consistency. This article explores whether Brutal Legend is worth your time and money.

A Rocking Gameplay Experience

Brutal Legend, developed by Double Fine Productions and published by Electronic Arts, was released in October 2009. The game is a fascinating mix of action-adventure and real-time strategy, set in a world inspired by heavy metal music. The protagonist, Eddie Riggs, voiced by Jack Black, is a roadie who gets transported to a mythical world where rock music reigns supreme.

The Musical Backbone

One of the standout features of Brutal Legend is its soundtrack, which includes over 100 heavy metal tracks from various sub-genres. The game features music from iconic bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Motörhead. According to IGN, the soundtrack alone is worth the price of admission for any rock music aficionado.

Star-Studded Cast

The game boasts a star-studded cast, including:

  • Jack Black as Eddie Riggs
  • Ozzy Osbourne as the Guardian of Metal
  • Lemmy Kilmister as Kill Master
  • Rob Halford as General Lionwhyte

These appearances add a layer of authenticity and excitement for fans of rock music.

Gameplay Mechanics

Main and Secondary Missions

The primary objective in Brutal Legend is to defeat the antagonists, Doviculus and General Lionwhyte. However, the game also offers a variety of secondary missions that help players earn in-game currency, known as Fire Tributes. These can be used to purchase upgrades for weapons, vehicles, and other items.


  • Engaging Main Storyline: The main missions are well-crafted and keep players engaged.
  • Humorous Dialogue: Jack Black's voice acting adds a layer of humor that keeps the game entertaining.


  • Repetitive Secondary Missions: The secondary missions can become monotonous, as they often follow the same pattern.
  • Early Access to Upgrades: Most upgrades can be purchased early in the game, reducing the incentive to complete secondary missions later on.

Visuals and Graphics

The game's art style is heavily influenced by heavy metal album covers, featuring detailed environments and character designs. However, the graphics can be inconsistent, especially when driving vehicles. The environment struggles to keep up with the fast-paced action, leading to occasional graphical glitches.

Interesting Stats

  • Sales Figures: As of 2021, Brutal Legend has sold over 1.4 million copies worldwide (source).
  • Soundtrack: The game features 108 licensed tracks from 75 different bands, making it one of the most music-rich games ever released (source).

Final Verdict

Brutal Legend is a must-play for fans of rock music and Jack Black. Its unique blend of action, strategy, and humor makes it a standout title. However, if you're looking for a game with deep, challenging gameplay, you might find it lacking. The repetitive nature of secondary missions and graphical inconsistencies are notable drawbacks.


  • Exceptional soundtrack
  • Star-studded voice cast
  • Engaging main storyline


  • Repetitive secondary missions
  • Graphical inconsistencies

In conclusion, Brutal Legend offers a unique and entertaining experience, especially for rock music fans. While it has its flaws, the game's strengths make it worth considering for your gaming library.

For more information on Brutal Legend, you can check out the official website and IGN's review.