Enjoying a fine cigar on a peaceful afternoon can be a sublime experience, but lighting it correctly is crucial to fully appreciate its flavors. This guide delves into the art of lighting a cigar using a Zippo lighter, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
There's nothing quite like sitting on the porch with a fine cigar in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, watching the sun set. As children play in the yard and the family dog naps at your feet, the moment becomes even more special. Reflecting on the first time I lit a cigar, I remember the struggle and the lessons learned that transformed the experience.
My first cigar was a gift from my father, a large one that dwarfed the cigarettes I was used to. Its unique aroma was something I had always enjoyed when my dad smoked his. However, lighting it was a challenge. The wind kept blowing out my butane lighter, and I felt awkward trying to puff on it properly.
My father noticed my struggle and offered some invaluable advice:
Following my father's advice, I got myself a chrome Zippo lighter. The difference was night and day. Lighting a cigar became effortless, and I could fully enjoy the experience without the frustration of a constantly extinguishing flame.
Lighting a cigar should be a pleasurable part of the smoking experience, not a frustrating chore. With the right tools and techniques, such as using a Zippo windproof lighter and following proper puffing and rotation methods, you can ensure a perfect light every time. Enjoy your cigar with confidence and savor the moment.
By mastering these simple steps, you can transform your cigar lighting experience into a stress-free and enjoyable ritual.