Summary: The vibrant world of Original Pilipino Music (OPM) is at risk of fading away due to a lack of resources and support. is dedicated to promoting OPM and connecting fans with their favorite bands, but we need your help to continue our mission. Join us in creating a virtual platform that magnifies and reinforces the gospel of OPM. Email us at to support our cause and help us reach 1.7 billion online users.
Original Pilipino Music (OPM) has been a cornerstone of Filipino culture, with bands like Parokya ni Edgar, Mayonnaise, Eraserheads, Siakol, Wolfgang, and Rivermaya shaping the musical landscape. However, many websites dedicated to promoting OPM have disappeared due to a lack of resources and support.
Running a website that promotes OPM is not easy. Here are some of the challenges we face:
At, we are committed to promoting OPM and connecting fans with their favorite bands. We aim to be the "trunk" that supports the "leaftops" of the OPM community. Our platform makes it easy for bands to update their fans on new albums and upcoming gigs.
Our team consists of three passionate and talented individuals who are dedicated to promoting OPM. Despite our small size, we are committed to strengthening our platform and expanding our reach.
Without your support, our mission to promote OPM could fade away. Here are some ways you can help:
If you want to help us create a virtual world that magnifies and reinforces the gospel of OPM, email us at Together, we can support each other and ensure that the vibrant world of OPM continues to thrive.
The future of OPM depends on the support of passionate individuals and organizations. By joining forces, we can create a platform that promotes Filipino music and connects fans with their favorite bands. Let's work together to ensure that OPM continues to be a vital part of Filipino culture.
For more information on the global music industry, visit the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). To learn more about the history of OPM, check out the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.