Tribute Band Singers: Mastering the Art of Sounding Like Your Favorite Artist

May 15


Jeremy Fisher

Jeremy Fisher

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Want to sound just like your favorite singer? This guide offers simple yet effective vocal techniques for tribute band singers, crafted by a master singing teacher and performance coach with over 20 years of experience. Learn how to capture the unique essence of iconic recording artists through a blend of hearing, imitation, and imagination.


Great singers possess distinctive sounds that can be challenging to replicate. If you're aiming to mimic the voices of your favorite artists but don't know where to begin,Tribute Band Singers: Mastering the Art of Sounding Like Your Favorite Artist Articles this guide is for you. As a professional vocal coach, I train singers and their teachers, including many tribute band performers who need to sound like someone else. Here are some exercises and techniques I use daily with my students to help them achieve that goal.

Assessing Vocal Range and Key

Before diving into imitation, it's crucial to determine if the singer has the necessary vocal range for the song. Artists often record songs in keys that suit their voices perfectly. However, your favorite artist might not be your age or even your gender, and the key that works for them might not be ideal for you.

Exercise: Humming the Tune

  1. Hum the Tune: Start by humming the tune using "ng" (as in "sing") instead of the usual "mm" sound.
  2. Assess the Notes: This exercise helps identify if the notes are within your comfortable range without worrying about style or sound.
  3. Adjust the Key: If the notes are challenging, consider changing the key to better suit your voice.

Understanding the Signature Sound

A recording artist's unique sound is often recognizable within a few notes. This signature sound is shaped by their physical structure, including their body and throat. Most artists use a singing voice that closely resembles their speaking voice.

Exercise: Imitating the Speaking Voice

  1. Use Imagination: Imagine how your chosen artist would talk. You don't need to hear them speak; just listen to their singing and guess their speaking voice.
  2. Pronunciation and Volume: Pay attention to how they pronounce words, the volume (soft and breathy or loud and straight), and their overall tone.
  3. Role-Playing: Imagine the artist talking to you about something mundane, like what they had for breakfast. Try to match their speaking style.

Exercise: Pitch Variation

  1. Speak on Different Pitches: Start speaking in a higher and then a lower pitch than your normal voice. Singing usually occurs above and below our speaking pitches.
  2. Experiment with Vocal Habits: This exercise helps you get into the vocal habits of the artist.

Adapting Multiple Voice Qualities

Artists often use various voice qualities in their singing. It's essential to experiment with these different sounds.

Exercise: Exploring Voice Qualities

  1. Choose Another Sound: Pick another sound the artist uses, whether louder or softer.
  2. Imitate Speaking: Imagine how they would speak using this new sound.
  3. Pitch Variation: Again, experiment with speaking higher and lower using the new sound.

Transitioning to Singing

Once you're comfortable using the artist's vocal setup in your speaking voice, it's time to apply it to singing.

Exercise: Singing with Words

  1. Sing the Hummed Song: Take the song you were humming earlier and add the words.
  2. Use the Same Shapes and Sounds: Apply the shapes and sounds you've been experimenting with.


You'll be amazed at how closely you can mimic your chosen artist. Listening to their recordings again will reveal a deeper understanding of their performance's flavor and feel. Capturing the essence of an artist's voice is straightforward when you know the right techniques.

Interesting Stats

  • Tribute Bands' Popularity: Tribute bands have seen a significant rise in popularity, with some even earning six-figure incomes. According to a 2019 report by Billboard, the tribute band industry is worth over $1 billion annually.
  • Vocal Range: The average vocal range for professional singers spans about 2 octaves, but some artists, like Mariah Carey, can reach up to 5 octaves (Vocal Range Info).
  • Voice Imitation: Studies show that the human brain can recognize familiar voices within 0.3 seconds, highlighting the importance of capturing the unique nuances of an artist's voice (Science Daily).

By following these exercises and techniques, you'll be well on your way to sounding like your favorite singing artist. Happy singing!