At 3 months, infants show signs that they are developing both physically and relationally. What are the signs?
I continue to be amazed by the huge strides that my little baby boy is making. Child development happens so quickly! When I see an infant who is younger than my little guy, I realize just how much he has grown in such a short time. He’s stronger, has better vision, and definitely knows when he’s been left alone! As you read through the new developments he has made, pay attention to whether these are things you see in your child. Are any of them missing?
Watching a child develop along a neuro-typical pathway is an amazing journey. Daily s/he makes gains, and those gains can easily go unnoticed as quickly as life goes by. You may read these reflections and think that your child doesn’t do many of these things and/or your feelings toward your child aren’t the same. Does your child upset easily? Do you dread having alone time with him/her? Does your child fail to notice you and your facial expressions? If so, the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) program is what you need. RDI® begins by looking at these early milestones and helping you and your child fill in the gaps that were missed the first time.
Raising Responsible and Respectable Children
There are many ways in which to raise a child to be responsible and respectable. If you allow yourself as a parent to remain calm, determine consequences, offer choices, and remain consistent then you’re on your way to doing great things.A Journey Through Infant Development: One Year!
A lot of foundational milestones are met along the neurotypical pathway of development. There is a lot of growth and changing a child does during their first year of life. It is difficult if some of these foundations are not met or a child has difficulties with some of them during this time. There are a lot of key things to be looking for while your child grows.A Journey Through Infant Development: The Eleventh Month
As children develop they become more adventurous and challenging. They want more new things in their lives. For children who are not developing neurotypically this can be overwhelming for them and they will need more support for these new things in their lives.