Natural practices of induction are growing in popularity amongst women who are waiting for an overdue baby to arrive. Acupressure for labour is a safe and effective method of induction and it can also be used to control pain during labour itself.
When you are absolutely longing to be introduced to your new baby it can be tempting to be looking for methods to hurry along his arrival and using acupressure for labor is one of the safest and most effective ways to do this.
Acupressure is an ancient type of Chinese medicine and works on the belief that belief body contains energy “chi” which moves around the body by way of of 12 different channels or “meridians” which correspond with specific key organs of the body. The energy is then stimulated by rubbing certain specific pressure points, using the thumbs and fingertips, to point that energy towards precise organs, allowing the body's self curative powers to work at mending and energising specific areas.
Not only can a mother use acupressure for labour but it can also be used for maternity related conditions such as sickness and back ache and for reducing the pain from contractions. These are some common points to induce labour:
Hoku - This point can be found on the top of your hand in the webbing between your thumb and index finger. Press on an angle below the bone that connects with the index finger. To stimulate contractions, massage the point. This point can be used for pain relief with regular pressure during contractions.
Spleen 6 - On the inside of the ankle, trace up four of mother's finger widths above the ankle bone. Massage for about 1 minute.
Bladder 32 - This point is halfway between the dimple in the buttocks and the spine. You can locate it by tracing up one of the mother's finger width's above the top of the buttocks crease. You should feel a small depression where the point lies.
Pressure points are naturally sensitive and can feel to a mother, like touching a bruise. If the pressure point has been correctly found there should be a sensation almost like a numbness sometimes accompanied by a tingling feeling around the region that is being rubbed. If this feeling becomes too much for the woman to bear, then simply move on to another pressure point.
One of the most beneficial moments to use these pressure points is if a mother is already in labour and needs to strengthen her contractions or if her waters have not yet broken and active labour has not yet commenced. It can also be used as a way of inducing an overdue baby, if the thought of a medical induction is troubling
Acupressure For Induction of Labor
Holistic practices are growing in popularity and acupressure is no exception. More and more women are using acupressure not only for induction of labor but to control their pains during labor itself as well as dealing with pregnancy related symptoms such as nausea and backache.Maternity Acupressure Guide
When a woman goes past her due date waiting for the baby can seem like an eternity and it is only natural to look for ways to bring on labor. Acupressure is fast growing in popularity because there are certain risks associated with a medical induction and acupressure works naturally with the body and the mind.Using Acupressure To Induce Labor
Nine months can seem like an eternity when you just can't wait for the arrival of your new baby and once it goes past your due date, waiting can seem like torture. More and more women are using acupressure to induce labor because they are only too aware of the potential risks of a medically induced labor.