This article explains a bit about how creditors work and how close to the edge they operate, even over the edge unless you know what to do.
What is happening to our economy? So many people are worried about their work. Will I have a job next month? Will I loose my home and why are my creditors calling and giving me so much hassle?
Employment is on the rise and so is the number of job openings for bill collectors.
We are responsible for our own debts and we need to accept that, but equally if credit companies sat down and explained the full implications of credit to us, they would have far less customers. After all they were the ones who offered to lend money to all and sundry with little or no checks, and now the big boys are in trouble. The result is often untold misery and anguish for those finding themselves' unable to cope.
We have been encouraged to spend and we have never really given much thought to tomorrow and the unheard of collapse in the world banks. Consumerism has become such a way of life and most of us have been sucked in.
Every where you look stores and suppliers are offering instore cards and credit. This is causing so much misery to people who simply do not understand money, credit and interest etc. They use tactics which are sometimes totally against the law. There is a way to stop harassment from creditors and put an end to the misery it causes all the family?
Well there is a way to stop creditors dead in their tracks from harassing you. You do not need to live in fear and stress. Stress leads to so much illness and can even be a killer.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting for one minute that you should not pay back what you owe, but you cannot pay back what you do not have in the time some creditors demand. When creditors get on the phone to you it is vital that you know your own rights.
Creditors rely on fear and lack of knowledge when it comes to understanding how they work. I know they say ignorance of the law is no excuse, but come on, how can we all be expected to know how organisations work. It is not the sort of thing they want us to find out is it?
You know, most people chasing money are full of wind and making threats they know they cannot carry out. Some creditors are what is known as unsecured. It is often tey who shout the loudest and expect us to buckle at the sound of their call.
What is an unsecured creditor? Well it is one who has to take their turn in line behind secured creditors when it comes to getting money back.
A secured creditor is a lender like a bank who might have a first or second charge on our home or a mortgage lender who has a charge and the title deeds to our property.
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