ARTISTS HELPING CHILDREN ... JUST ... Rachel ... when you were a kid and you had to go to the ... Remember the strange sights, the sounds, ... smells, and stra
By Rachel Goldstein
Remember when you were a kid and you had to go to the hospital? Remember the strange sights, the sounds, unpleasant smells, and strangers entering your hospital room? You had no idea what was happening to you and no one could explain in a way you understood. You waited a lot with nothing to do except worry about what was going to happen next.
Artists Helping Children Foundation ( is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing comfort to children in hospitals, clinics, and shelters by brightening their environment with murals and other art. By painting murals and creating other art for and with the children, we create enriching and happy places to ease the children's fear and pain, to take their minds and their hearts out of the cold and into warm and wonderful places. It is amazing how a piece of paper and crayons can divert his attention away from pain. This is because children respond to and use artwork as tools for coping.
The people who work with Artists Helping Children provide art that brings joy and happiness to the lives of ill, mistreated, and needy children in communities everywhere. Through the generosity of artists, patients and community members, Artists Helping Children helps create murals, pieces of art, and provides arts and crafts supplies for the kids we serve.
(1) Professional Muralists - Our muralists change the look of hospitals for the better. A team will visit a site to meet with the facilities' staff. With their help, we plan out a theme, the colors, and images that we will use within the mural. Then, we present sketches of designs appropriate to the space. Once the designs are approved, we begin recruiting volunteers and budgeting for the project.
(2) Paint-A-Mural Community Events - Community organizations are instrumental in helping us bring beautiful murals in to as many institutions as we can. Paint-a-Mural events are entertaining, stress-relieving, and a great way to bond with your community members. We provide a color-coded canvas with the mural drawn in, almost like a big coloring book. The volunteer's job is to paint, paint, and paint.
(3) Local Stores are Getting Involved - Stores are even getting involved. Some stores have decided to
Display our pre-drawn canvas murals, cut in to smaller pieces for easier handling. These stores are able to show the local community that their store is a charitable organization and at the same time get eager children into their store to help paint the murals. After completion, we clean up the mural and donate it to an organization of their choice.
(4) Patients Can Join In - Patients enjoy the chance to get out of their rooms and do something uplifting and entertaining. Their minds are focused on happiness and they forget about their pain, if only for a short while. And even when they can't participate first hand, we try to get them involved in the experience by providing outlets such as coloring and watercolor paint-by-number books that they can enjoy in their beds.
Please visit to see more about what we are doing, and how you can help our cause.
Hold a Charity Birthday Party for Your Child
As a parent, you probably know that the birthday party routine can be an almost painful experience. With about 20 children in your child's class, going to more than one birthday party in one weekend can occur quite often. If you have more than one child, birthday-party weekends can take over your entire life. Finding the right gift takes hours, wrapping the present and preparing the card is more time. When it is your child's turn for a birthday party, do you really want to put other parents through the same routine? Will your child really appreciate 20 birthday gifts on top of what you and your family have already given him? Does your child really need more toys?HELP YOUR CHILD HELP YOUR COMMUNITY
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