A changing bag becomes mum’s go-to accessory once baby arrives. For months after a toddler has outgrown diapers it will still be a necessity. There will be enough in it to fill a small suitcase.
A changing bag becomes mum’s go-to accessory once baby arrives. For months after a toddler has outgrown diapers it will still be a necessity. There will be enough in it to fill a small suitcase. It will have to be organized to carry food, clean things and very dirty things. Finding just the right diaper bag becomes as big a decision as finding the perfect little black dress. Not only must it fulfil a variety of duties, it must look good while doing them. For decades, diaper bags resembled vinyl shopping bags. Now many nappy bags can’t be distinguished from designer handbags.
Mothers of today dress their babies in style. They don’t want to look less stylish than their infants when they hit the road. Many choose a changing bag just like they choose any other accessory. They look first for usefulness with style and value not far behind. Designers have recognized the modern mum’s desire for fashion forward bags. As a result, change bags come in a multitude of designs. Large leather satchels are statement bags that last from one child to another. Many will still be in use when baby is in grade school. They have ample room for every need imaginable. They also have panache.
A hobo style changing bag lends fashion to a day spent running errands. Its fold over flap closure lets mum easily access the contents. Bags of this sort look good in funky fashion colours. Go bold with red or choose an offbeat purple. Taking baby to the beach or a day in the park? Move things over into a fashionable tote. A zipper running the full length of the bag means everything is within easy reach. Choose vinyl or canvas as the bag’s fabric. Stains will wipe easily off of vinyl. Canvas bags can often be thrown in the washer. Clutches in sophisticated palettes give mum an elegant look for night time engagements. They hold just enough for a baby who will spent most of the evening in bed.
Years ago mum carried a diaper bag that screamed its purpose. Today mum totes a changing bag that might be mistaken for a fashionable handbag. It still holds everything mum and baby need. In many ways, the new style nappy bag may even outshine its predecessor. It’s organized, easy to clean, easy to access. In fact, that good looking nappy bag hasn’t lost any of its functionality. Now, though, it serves its functions with style.
Stylish Nappy Bags – Diaper Bags Come into their Own
First, pregnant women changed the look of maternity wear. Now, mums are changing the look of diaper bags.Bags for Babies – Choosing the Right One
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Before becoming a mother, some women think that taking baby out means throwing an extra diaper in their purses. After becoming a mother, all women know that taking baby out means packing a change bag.