Diapering is an integral part of newborn baby care. If you’re a new parent, you should be informed about the type of baby diapers and diapering techni...
Diapering is an integral part of newborn baby care. If you’re a new parent,

you should be informed about the type of baby diapers and diapering techniques to ensure baby’s safety and comfort in the diapers.
To make sure maximum comfort of your baby, first you need to know the types of diapers available in the market place along with their merits and demerits. Diapers are broadly classified as disposable and cloth diapers.
Safety Guidelines for Diapering a Newborn Baby
* To prevent complications associated with diapers such as diaper rash, you need to make sure baby is cleaned and dry.
* Read the instructions carefully on the packaging label before putting on a diaper.
* Open the diaper, lift baby’s legs gently and then slide the adhesive strips under the baby’s bums.
* Thereafter, tie adhesive strips of the diaper at the level of baby’s belly button.
* While diapering a baby boy, make sure that his penis lies in a downward position.
* Fasten the adhesive strips slowly, bringing it in the front of the belly from back. Ensure that diaper’s taping doesn’t stick to baby’s skin. Also, ensure that baby is not in any kind of discomfort and is able to move his legs.
* After diapering, wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs.
Changing a Diaper
* Before changing a diaper, parents must ensure that they have all supplies with them, which include clean diapers, diaper wipes and cream/ointment for rash prevention.
* Baby must lie on his back when you change his diaper.
* Choosing a safe place to change diaper of a baby is of utmost importance. When using a table for diaper change, parents should use safety straps.
* If there is a lot of bowel movement when you change his diaper, curl the upper half of the diaper to make it easier.
* After cleaning baby’s bottom and adjacent areas, keep the removed diaper away from his reach. You should use cotton balls or a baby washcloth for cleaning of baby.
* Make sure that the wipes do not contain alcohol as they may cause rashes.
* If your doctor has recommended creams or ointments to prevent diaper rashes, use them before putting on a new diaper.
Diapering seems difficult at first, especially to first time parents. But, it becomes relatively easy within a few weeks of practice.