Handbags Can Be an Excellent Investment in Style
We've all heard of the It Girl, but in recent years what has become one of the most significant markers of fashion status is the It Bag. Handbag...
We've all heard of the It Girl,

but in recent years what has become one of the most significant markers of fashion status is the It Bag. Handbags have enjoyed a renewed sense of power in the past several years as designers have used them to act as the most significant conveyance of their status and branding points. Because bags are carried rather than worn they are more often on display than any other piece of clothing or accessory. For this reason, designers everywhere strive to create the perfect bag, the most desirable bag and the most popular bag. Women with otherwise modest incomes have been known to spend upwards a thousand dollars on their bag because of the status involved in carrying a bag bearing the name or logo of a famous designer. Designers like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Prada and Gucci who are known for their logos or labeling are especially popular because people are easily able to recognize the labels and logos from far away. For that reason these particular bags are very coveted and desired in many circles.
For many women, handbags are the item that they will spend the most money on. They may be wearing sweatpants, a tee shirt and sneakers, but by carrying a special handbag they are making a statement that they have style, taste and the finances to back it up. In the most recent years there has been a backlash against the logo culture of It Bags and more understated bags have come into fashion. These bags are expensive as well, but instead of being flashy and covered with logos and branding and things of that nature, these bags were simple, well crafted with beautiful materials and excellent workmanship and any brand recognition is all in the details.
Among the various kinds of fashion accessories, handbags remain the most versatile. An excellent bag will go from day to night, with any outfit or ensemble and can carry all of your personal effects for any of the needs that you have during the day. The best bags are made out of leather; they are durable, stylish and have a long, long life. Brands that make high quality bags that rely on workmanship rather than branding strategy are among some of the most successful companies because their work speaks for itself. Bags with interior pockets that close with zippers are also highly desirable as they can hold lots of stuff for you and keep valuables locked away safely and comfortably.
Investing in an excellent handbag is a wise idea. It may seem like an intimidating amount of money and a huge sum to sink into a bag that you are frankly only going to be using to carry things around with you during the day, but a bag, above any other fashion accessory you might invest in, is reusable and wonderful in a variety of important ways. For one thing, you will use your bag every single day. Very few pieces of your wardrobe can make that same claim. Even heavy coats, which many people spend large sums of money on, can only really be used for one season of the year. Think of it logically and the financial investment will make a lot more sense. While fashion trends may come and go, but owning a high quality handbag made of strong, durable materials will last you for many years. If you buy a top quality brand you will be much less likely to need to replace it with a new one quickly, and that way you are actually saving money. In addition, a beautiful bag can be a collector’s item. If you keep it in good condition it can very easily be passed down from parent to child. Beautiful handbags are truly items to cherish.