What toys do kids really enjoy these days – besides video games? Here’s a top 10 list of favorite toys that are both fun and educational.
If your life is anything like mine near the holidays, it’ll probably sound a little like this: “Mom, can I get that for Christmas?” “I’ll put it on your wish list honey.” As the next commercial comes on, “Mom can I get that for Christmas?” “That does look like fun. I’ll put it on your wish list.” The television, newspapers, and billboards are inundated with advertisements for all the hot toys and gadgets for this year. As parents, aunts or uncles, and grandparents, it can be very overwhelming to know what gifts to buy that will be both fun and “educational.” Knowing what gifts will be best for our children – that they’ll enjoy – leave many of us going “hmmm.”
Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for all children:
1. Television, movies, and video games can be nice for some relaxing times, but should be limited. I read in a recent study that the average child watches 50-60 hours of television a week! As a result, children are being negatively impacted, including increased aggression and decreased attention; plus other negative side affects such as robbing the mind of important things like reading, writing, creative play and story telling, friendship development and so much more.
2. Board games can be a wonderful way to help children learn important lessons such as taking turns, graciously winning and losing, and team work. This is also a great way to encourage family time. One of my greatest memories as a child is sitting downstairs with my family, by the wood burner, playing the game of LIFE.
3. Arts and Crafts are a great way to encourage creativity. It also develops fine motor skills, building of competence, and doing things for others. My children love to make things for other people and feel great about doing it!
4. Building sets of blocks, WEDGiTS, or LEGO’s are also great gifts that encourage creativity, playing with others, or self play. There are so many things you can do with these sorts of things. Kids love to build fences for their animals, castles, or event cities with any building materials they can find.
We’ve been creating a list at Horizons of both family and consultant favorites. Here’s my top ten list for this holiday season:
Happy holiday shopping!
Raising Responsible and Respectable Children
There are many ways in which to raise a child to be responsible and respectable. If you allow yourself as a parent to remain calm, determine consequences, offer choices, and remain consistent then you’re on your way to doing great things.A Journey Through Infant Development: One Year!
A lot of foundational milestones are met along the neurotypical pathway of development. There is a lot of growth and changing a child does during their first year of life. It is difficult if some of these foundations are not met or a child has difficulties with some of them during this time. There are a lot of key things to be looking for while your child grows.A Journey Through Infant Development: The Eleventh Month
As children develop they become more adventurous and challenging. They want more new things in their lives. For children who are not developing neurotypically this can be overwhelming for them and they will need more support for these new things in their lives.