Help Others and Pay It Forward... Christmas Gift!

Dec 17


Sandy Morris

Sandy Morris

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It has become increasingly evident that our government politicians in the House and Senate back the President and his Secretary of the Treasury in their quest to save Wall Street including it's large banking sector. Do you think Congress would give Main Street America a Christmas gift following the concept to Pay It Forward and Help Others, especially those in need?


Do you think Congress would give Middle American a Christmas gift following the Pay It Forward and Help Others concept? It is evident that our government,Help Others and Pay It Forward... Christmas Gift! Articles politicians, White House and Treasury is willing to save Wall Street and not Main Street who are especially in need.

One could write quite a few articles about The Treasury Secretary and his rise to power from those same Wall Street Companies but what purpose would that accomplish?

It is also more than evident that our American Main Street will be left to fend for themselves holding out in hopes of keeping their families together and holding out long enough for the change in the White House administration.

Main Street is left to solve the problems themselves and it makes you wonder what they can do without having a dollar printing machine like Treasury?

Think about this... Recently the movie Pay It Forward has been recirculating and given a new life on of all places Youtube. Take a moment and watch the movie if you have never seen it.

Today aren't we all skeptical about anyone doing us a favor or helping us in any way? Don't we judge the people around us to make sure they are good enough to be near us? Aren't we hesitant to ask anyone for help?

The Pay It Forward and Help Others concept has been gaining momentum when other programs have fallen by the wayside. Helen Hunt who played the mother in the movie version perfectly, kept asking why... why are you here? To the dirty, scruffy looking bum who was in her kitchen with her son.

His simple explanation that he was paying the generosity of her son forward to another person, a mother. Paying it forward to improve the life of another was what he wanted to do as her son had done for him.

Wait a minute here... could this system at all be used to help Main Street during these recession - depressionesk looking times? The even bigger question that will need answered must certainly be - Can Main Street change their ways and accept the generosity of a stranger?

Would you help another person on Main Street if you could? Do you have any idea how that would make you feel? Then suppose you did it again, and then again, and again. The Pay It Forward and Help Others Concept is just that simple.

If you by chance are near the Baby Boomer age bracket you might remember the days when the entire neighborhood shared produce and helped each other in the neighborhood. Why have we moved away from that? Have we been following in the footsteps of our elected officials... not helping those that truly need help but instead being foolish and throwing our money at bad ideas with no thought of the consequences? Congress has been doing that for a long time now, recently dumping over 700 BILLION without so much as a question? Congress is finding it hard to help homeowners and Main Street who make up this country.

If you need more proof of the Congress' elitism... think about how they made the automakers drive to DC in cars to beg for help when that very same Congress flew home in their private jets for the holidays after the meetings. Congress even demanded the auto unions and auto makes to reduce health care benefits and salaries? Wouldn't it have shown character if Congress reduced their OWN first? You know, leading by example. Thereby reducing the national debt.

Oh and let us not forget Senator Reids' speech, just last week, talking about "smelly tourists", which means you and me. Aren't we the Main Street tax payers?

This Pay It Forward and Help Others concept helps Main Street not Wall Street and not Congress. It is as simple as that.

Pay It Forward and Help Others, period.

Main Street helping Main Street, now that is a new idea!